- RBA * Arizona * Phoenix * June 7, 1990 * AZPH9006.07 - Birds mentioned Ash-throated Flycatcher Band-tailed Pigeon Black-chinned Sparrow Black-throated Gray Warbler Blue Grouse Broad-tailed Hummingbird Chipping Sparrow Cassin's Finch Dark-eyed Junco Grace's Warbler Hepatic Tanager Hermit Thrush Mountain Bluebird Mountain Chickadee Olive Warbler Pinyon Jay Plain Titmouse Ruby-crowned Kinglet Scott's Oriole Solitary Vireo Steller's Jay Three-toed Woodpecker White-breasted Nuthatch Williamson's Sapsucker Yellow-rumped Warbler - Transcript ARIZONA - Phoenix (602) 832-8745 This is the Maricopa Audubon Society Weekly report of bird sightings as of Thursday June 7th, 1990. Summer has arrived in the Phoenix area with temperatures over 110 degrees this week. This tends to do two things: it limits the bird activity and it sends the birders out of town for a cooler location. This week there were no bird reports and I've been out of town since last Thursday. So I will report on the birds that I saw at the Grand Canyon. About half way between Jacob's Lake and the North Rim, in the area of Demont Campground there were BROAD-TAILED HUMMINGBIRDS, MOUNTAIN BLUEBIRDS, RUBY-CROWNED KINGLETS, MOUNTAIN CHICKADEES, STELLER'S JAYS, singing HERMIT THRUSH, DARK-EYED JUNCOS, CASSIN'S FINCH, and YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLERS. With the aid of Charles Babbitt's bird find article that was printed in the Nov/Dec 1987 "Cactus Wrendition" and in "Birding" vol. 19, Dec. 1987, I was able to locate several of the specialty birds of this area near the Marble Viewpoint. There were WILLIAMSON'S SAPSUCKERS, THREE-TOED WOODPECKER, and BLUE GROUSE. These birds were all found on June 1st. At the Desert View Campground area on the South Rim, there were PLAIN TITMOUSE, BLACK-THROATED GRAY WARBLER, SOLITARY VIREO, PINYON JAY, ASH-THROATED FLYCATCHER, WHITE-BREASTED NUTHATCH, and CHIPPING SPARROWS. These birds were all seen on the 5th. This week's field trip is on Saturday June 9th to Mount Ord. Mount Ord is located on the northern Maricopa County line in the Matzatzal Mountains about 7 miles north of the town of Sunflower. Birds that will be looked for include BLACK-CHINNED SPARROW, SCOTT'S ORIOLE, BAND-TAILED PIGEON, HEPATIC TANAGER, GRACE'S WARBLER, and with some luck, maybe an OLIVE WARBLER. Meet at 7:00 AM in the open parking area overlooking Sycamore Creek in Sunflower. This is off of Highway 87 or sometimes called the Beeline Highway. For questions about the field trips call Harvey Beady at 991-9190. Please leave your much needed bird sightings on the tape after the beep and for more information call Steve Ganley at 830-5538 and good birding. - End transcript