[rec.birds] No. California, 6/5/90

NYS@NIHCU.BITNET ("Norman C. Saunders") (06/08/90)

     This is your Northern California weekly rare bird summary for
6:16am, Tuesday, June 5, 1990, sponsored by Golden Gate Audubon Society.
You may download the text of this report from the Winner's Circle
Computer Bulletin Board at 845-4812.  The name of the file is
RBA0605.TXT.  Starting this week this text file may also be available on
the Guardian Computer Bulletin Board in Berkeley at 644-6806.  It may
also be obtained through the National Birding Hotline Cooperative on

     In San Mateo County, a singing male Yellow-throated Vireo and a
singing male Tennessee Warbler were found Sunday along Gazos Creek Road
1.8 miles east of Hwy 1.  They were about 20 yards east of a paper sign
that says "Caution Log Trucks." Elsewhere in San Mateo County, the two
Oldsquaws were still at Princeton Harbor as of last Wednesday.

     In Marin County, the singing male Indigo Bunting was still along
the Miwok Trial about a half mile north of the Bobcat Trail in the Marin
Headlands through Sunday.  Elsewhere in Marin County, at Pt. Reyes
Lighthouse, there were a Sandhill Crane and a Tufted Puffin on Sunday
and a Red Crossbill was at the Pt. Reyes Fish Docks on Wednesday.  Also
in Marin County, the male Harlequin Duck was still at Bolinas Lagoon
just south of Volunteer Canyon and Purple Martins were still near the
mouth of the lagoon on Saturday.

     In Contra Costa County, a singing male Indigo Bunting was about a
half mile beyond the south gate toll booth at Mt. Diablo State Park
Thursday and Friday, and a female Tennessee Warbler was described from
the boardwalk at Jewel Lake in the Nature Area at Tilden Regional Park
on Sunday.

     In San Francisco, a singing male American Redstart was found along
Lobos Creek near the ball-field by the Army Reserve in the Presidio and
2 Black Swifts were over a residential area along El Camino Del Mar near
Lincoln Park on Saturday.  In Golden Gate Park, the Snow Goose was still
at North Lake through Thursday.

     In Merced County, a male Tufted Duck was at the west end of O'neill
Forebay on Saturday.

     In Santa Clara County, three adult Long-tailed Jaegers were seen
flying inland over Palo Alto Baylands on Wednesday.

     Pelagic Highlights this week include 2 Horned Puffins just south of
Southeast Farallon Island on Sunday and a Horned Puffin in Monterey Bay
on Saturday.

     For updates, please call 524-5592.  Please keep us posted on any
rare birds you have seen or know about, especially the continuing
presence of rarities.  At the sound of the tone, you may leave your name
and number and the date and location of any rare birds you wish to
report.  Messages may be any length up to five minutes, so you have
plenty of time to leave good directions.  Thank you very much.