[rec.birds] Vermont birds

rmura@world.std.com (Ron Mura) (07/23/90)

> By the way, we'll be in Vermont the first week or so of August.
> What interesting birds might we expect to see?  We'll be in mixed
> woods/pastureland, quite rolling, in the center of the state.  We've
> had pretty good luck with warblers there in years past, but I don't
> really remember what to expect.  Thanks!

My wife and I bought 300 acres of land in central Vermont in 1987.
It is mixed woods and fields/pastures.  Below is a list of birds we
have seen on the property in the past three years.  The list does not
include birds we have seen nearby if they were not on our land.
Some birds that we seldom or never seen on our land are common a
mile or two away (at slightly lower elevations--we're at 1600 to
2250 feet).

As far as warblers go, very common around us are chestnut-sideds,
common yellowthroats, black-throated blues, black-throated greens,
ovenbirds.  Fairly common are yellow-rumpeds, redstarts, magnolias.
Not common but regulars in their chosen spots are Canadas and mournings.

Other very common birds are indigo buntings, winter wrens, hermit thrush,
wood thrush, veeries, red-eyed vireos, ruffed grouse.

Good birding!  Please report back what you see!

- Ron Mura, Boston, Mass.                   rmura@world.std.com

                         -- Year ---   
                         87 88 89 90
 Snow Goose               F
 Canada Goose                   F
 Osprey                      F
 Sharp-shinned Hawk          X
 Northern Goshawk         F
 Red-tailed Hawk          X  Q  X  X
 Am. Kestrel                 X  X
 Ruffed Grouse            X  C  C  C
 Wild Turkey                    Q  Q
 Kildeer                    N1 N5
 Am. Woodcock                H  C  P
 Mourning Dove              N3  H  X
 Black-billed Cuckoo         H
 Yellow-billed Cuckoo        H
 Barred Owl                  Q  Q  Q
 Ruby-thr. Hummingbird       P  Q  P
 Belted Kingfisher           X
 Yellow-bellied Sapsucker X  C  C  C
 Downy Woodpecker         X  Q  X
 Hairy Woodpecker         X  C  X  Q       
 N. Flicker               X  C  Q  P
 Pileated Woodpecker        HN N1
 Olive-sided Flycatcher      P  P  P
 E. Wood-pewee               Q  Q  P
 Alder Flycatcher            P  P  P
 Least Flycatcher            P  P  P
 E. Phoebe                   C  C  C
 Great-crested Flycatcher    Q
 E. Kingbird                 Q  X  X
 Tree Swallow                C  C  C
 Blue Jay                 X  P  P  P
 Am. Crow                 X  X  X  X
 Common Raven             X  X  X  X
 Black-capped Chickadee   X  C  C  C
 Red-breasted Nuthatch    X  C  Q  P
 White-breasted Nuthatch  X  Q  X
 Brown Creeper            X        X
 Winter Wren                 P  P  P
 Golden-crowned Kinglet   X  X  X  P
 Ruby-crowned Kinglet        X  X
 E. Bluebird             N3  X  C
 Veery                       C  P  P
 Swainson's Thrush           X  H  H
 Hermit Thrush            X  P  C  P
 Wood Thrush                 P  P  P
 Am. Robin                X  C  C  C
 Gray Catbird                X  X  X
 Cedar Waxwing            X  Q  C  X
 European Starling           X  X  X
 Solitary Vireo              P  Q  C
 Red-eyed Vireo              P  C  C
 Chestnut-sided Warbler      C  P  P
 Magnolia Warbler           N1  Q  P
 Black-thr. Blue Warbler  X  P  P  P
 Yellow-rumped Warbler    X  Q  Q  P
 Black-thr. Green Warbler    P  P  P
 Blackburnian Warbler        X  Q  P
 Black-and-white Warbler     Q  Q  P
 Am. Redstart                P  P  P
 Ovenbird                    P  C  C
 Mourning Warbler               P  P
 Common Yellowthroat         P  P  C
 Canada Warbler              Q  Q  P
 Scarlet Tanager             P  Q  P
 Rose-breasted Grosbeak      P  P  P
 Indigo Bunting              Q  P  C
 Rufous-sided Towhee         H
 Chipping Sparrow            Q  Q  C
 Vesper Sparrow              X
 Song Sparrow                P  C  C
 White-throated Sparrow   Q  P  P  C
 Dark-eyed Junco          X  C  C  P
 Bobolink                   N1  X
 Red-winged Blackbird        X  X  X
 Rusty Blackbird             Q
 Brown-headed Cowbird        Q  Q  Q
 N. Oriole                  N4  X
 Purple Finch                Q  Q
 Pine Siskin              X N7
 Am. Goldfinch               P  P  P

 1987 records start in September of that year.
 C = confirmed breeder
 P = probable breeder
 Q = possible breeder
 F = observed in flight
 H = only heard (not seen) on property
 X = other birds seen on property
 Nn = seen within n miles (1 mile if no number) of property

    C, P, and Q are assigned in accordance with the guidlines
    in &dDThe Atlas of Breeding Vermont Birds&d@, ed. Laughlin
    and Kibbe, 1985.

- Ron Mura, Boston, Mass.                   rmura@world.std.com