[rec.birds] INDOOR vs. OUTDOOR:Please read

grp@unify.uucp (Greg Pasquariello) (07/30/90)

It seems that there has been a recent influx of pet parrot problems in this 
newsgroup.  Without starting a war like there was a year and a half ago,
I would like to request that all pet articles be prefixed with the word 
INDOOR.  This was something that was decided upon last time, as it allows the
birders in the group to sort through the articles more easily.


-Greg Pasquariello	grp@unify.com

mm@lectroid.sw.stratus.com (Mike Mahler) (07/31/90)

In article <GRP.90Jul30091525@magpie.unify.uucp>, grp@unify.uucp (Greg Pasquariello) writes:
>It seems that there has been a recent influx of pet parrot problems in this 
>newsgroup.  Without starting a war like there was a year and a half ago,
>I would like to request that all pet articles be prefixed with the word 
>INDOOR.  This was something that was decided upon last time, as it allows the
>birders in the group to sort through the articles more easily.

	Or post in rec.pets...

plemmons@nsf1.mth.msu.edu (Steve Plemmons) (08/01/90)

In article <1835@lectroid.sw.stratus.com> mm@lectroid.sw.stratus.com (Mike Mahler) writes:
>In article <GRP.90Jul30091525@magpie.unify.uucp>, grp@unify.uucp (Greg Pasquariello) writes:
>>It seems that there has been a recent influx of pet parrot problems in this 
>>newsgroup.  Without starting a war like there was a year and a half ago,
>>I would like to request that all pet articles be prefixed with the word 
>>INDOOR.  This was something that was decided upon last time, as it allows the
>>birders in the group to sort through the articles more easily.
>	Or post in rec.pets...

Not if you want to get good replies and info.  The group is called
rec.birds, not rec.birding, or rec.birders. Rec.birds is general enought
to include indoor and outdoor. This is not to say that INDOOR: OUTDOOR:
labels should not be used.  I think they should and I admit that I
forget to add them sometimes, but the OUTDOOR people are just as guilty
as the INDOOR people.



Steve Plemmons                      plemmons@mth.msu.edu
Math Department                     plemmons@frith.egr.msu.edu
Michigan State University           21144smp@msu.bitnet       

mary@dinorah.wustl.edu (Mary E. Leibach) (08/02/90)

In article <GRP.90Jul30091525@magpie.unify.uucp>, grp@unify.uucp (Greg Pasquariello) writes:
> It seems that there has been a recent influx of pet parrot problems in this 
> newsgroup.  Without starting a war like there was a year and a half ago,
> I would like to request that all pet articles be prefixed with the word 
> INDOOR.  This was something that was decided upon last time, as it allows the
> birders in the group to sort through the articles more easily.

To get terribly technical, the proposal (by Sandra I believe) was for
pet articles to have "INDOOR" in the subject line, and for birding
articles to have "OUTDOOR" in the subject line.  Obviously you are
aware the complete proposal, as your subject is "INDOOR vs. OUTDOOR".
There was no vote to make this some kind of law, and the people who
want this are apparently too lazy (or to be charitable, too busy) to
run a monthly reminder like other groups have.  So, of course,
newcomers are not going to be aware of this.  Surprisingly (or maybe
not), a look at current articles shows that one out of three INDOOR
threads are so labeled, but NO OUTDOOR threads are labled at all!
Come on guys!  You know darn good and well that there are usually more
birding postings, so why aren't they labled so us pet owners can sort
through the articles more easily?  After all, birding articles are not
usually as urgent as pet articles can be: a person requesting info on
a sick bird may need to find it as soon as posible, or the bird might
die.  It was thanks to a posting I made in this group that my budgie
found a proper avian vet and was finally cured of the upper
respiratory inspection from which he had been suffering from for

If you lot are going to insist on "INDOOR", then we should have
"OUTDOOR" too.  Moving to rec.pets isn't much of an alternative, just
try to find the 2 or 3 bird postings in 135 total current postings!


geek@media-lab.MEDIA.MIT.EDU (Chris Schmandt) (08/02/90)

Sure seems that its about time to split this group.  Traffic is high
enough to warrant it I bet and it just hasn't worked well to have
people use keywords in their subject lines to aid kill files.  More
and more often I just "catch up" on all the postings because I get
tired of sifting through all the birds-as-pets postings, and likely
the pet owners feel the same.

I don't have the energy to do anything official like call for votes
or discussion, but I'd suggest that either a rec.birding get created
for those who prefer to observe birds or a rec.pets.birds for those
who perfer to own them.  Or both, and blow off rec.birds.


plemmons@nsf1.mth.msu.edu (Steve Plemmons) (08/02/90)

In article <3055@media-lab.MEDIA.MIT.EDU> geek@media-lab.media.mit.edu (Chris Schmandt) writes:
>Sure seems that its about time to split this group.  Traffic is high
>enough to warrant it I bet and it just hasn't worked well to have
>people use keywords in their subject lines to aid kill files.  More
>and more often I just "catch up" on all the postings because I get
>tired of sifting through all the birds-as-pets postings, and likely
>the pet owners feel the same.
>I don't have the energy to do anything official like call for votes
>or discussion, but I'd suggest that either a rec.birding get created
>for those who prefer to observe birds or a rec.pets.birds for those
>who perfer to own them.  Or both, and blow off rec.birds.

Traffic?  The traffic in this group is light compared to most groups I
read.  A few times this summer there were days at a time when nobody
posted at all.  Is hitting the "k" key through 15-25 articles a day that
tiresome to you.  Come on people, this group is IMHO just fine.


Steve Plemmons                      plemmons@mth.msu.edu
Math Department                     plemmons@frith.egr.msu.edu
Michigan State University           21144smp@msu.bitnet       

bjb@ncrorl.Orlando.NCR.COM (Barbara Bowen) (08/03/90)

In article <GRP.90Jul30091525@magpie.unify.uucp> grp@unify.com writes:
>... I would like to request that all pet articles be prefixed with the word 
>INDOOR. (etc.) 

Ok, how about OUTDOOR posters using the same consideration?

  barbara.bowen@Orlando.NCR.COM         (...ncrlnk!ncrorl!bjb)
  NCR Corporation              Engineering & Manufacturing - Orlando
  3200 Lake Emma Rd.           Special Systems Engineering Department
  Lake Mary, Florida 32746     USA

bonnie@hanauma.stanford.edu (Bonnie Rippere) (08/04/90)

In article <1990Aug1.200400.3633@msuinfo.cl.msu.edu> plemmons@brain.mth.msu.edu (Steve Plemmons) writes:
>In article <3055@media-lab.MEDIA.MIT.EDU> geek@media-lab.media.mit.edu (Chris Schmandt) writes:
>>Sure seems that its about time to split this group.  Traffic is high
>Traffic?  The traffic in this group is light compared to most groups I
>read.  A few times this summer there were days at a time when nobody
>posted at all.  Is hitting the "k" key through 15-25 articles a day that
>tiresome to you.  Come on people, this group is IMHO just fine.

I totally agree with Steve.  I actually enjoy reading both the bird-watching
and the pet bird tales - being as how I love watching outdoor birds, as
well as my cockatiel.  Having it split would mean the same amount of 
reading for me, just more lines in my news file.


grp@unify.uucp (Greg Pasquariello) (08/07/90)

>   In article <GRP.90Jul30091525@magpie.unify.uucp> grp@unify.com writes:
>   >... I would like to request that all pet articles be prefixed with the word 
>   >INDOOR. (etc.) 
>   Ok, how about OUTDOOR posters using the same consideration?

As the idiot that started this discussion, I apologize. All I wanted was for
those that use the group for something other than it's original charter
(BIRDING!) to prefix their article headers.  I believe this was the consenus
about a year ago.  However, I should have been smart enough to realize that
this would start a spate of articles about "Let's split the group", "Why don't
_you_ use OUTDOOR", etc.  Once again, I apologize.

Splitting the group won't happen.  The realities of newsgroup life dictate that
we must have at least 100 votes, which I don't think we could get.

Somebody wrote the other day, something like "...is it really too much time and
trouble to wade through the newsgroup.  After all, it's not _that_ busy".
Well, the answer is "No, it's not too difficult".  Sooo.... I withdraw my 
request, and I will somewhat grudgingly live with indoor and outdoor postings 

>   -- 
>     barbara.bowen@Orlando.NCR.COM         (...ncrlnk!ncrorl!bjb)
>     NCR Corporation              Engineering & Manufacturing - Orlando
>     3200 Lake Emma Rd.           Special Systems Engineering Department
>     Lake Mary, Florida 32746     USA

-Greg Pasquariello	grp@unify.com