[rec.birds] OUTDOOR: Flycatchers

amber@scott.stat.washington.edu (Amber Tatnall) (08/31/90)

Last weekend at a park in Carnation, Washington I saw some flycatchers.
Isn't that great!  It was fun watching their aerial acrobatics.  Now for
the questions.  Remember, we're talking about flycatchers.  Of course
there will be questions!

What I think I saw:

A large flycatcher, about the same size as the Cedar Waxwing that was
there too.  Bill, orange and black, thick.  I really think it was an
Olive-sided Flycatcher because it had dark flanks with white (to yellowish)
from neck to toes  --all the way down the breast, that is.  But it was so
difficult to identify.  I'm not really sure if that is what I saw.  Did
not see any white tufts behind/between the wings on the back.

On the branch briefly with this bird was another bird which I would
have identified as one of the Empidonax flycatchers.  It was smaller,
by what looked to be almost three inches.  Much lighter colored above,
all dark bill (?)

The problem is, the person I was with was saying that the first bird
was one of the Empidonax flycatchers (Willow).  ARGH!

I KNOW I saw a Western Wood Pewee in the bushes.  This was a positive ID.

So, basically I've gotten myself all confused, comparing these birds
to one another, trying to get an idea of what I really saw and what it
all meant.

Any comments?