[net.unix-wizards] UUCP Security Problem from 9 months ago ?

wapd (11/04/82)

	I remember seeing an article about 9 months or a year ago
that said, essentially, "I have just found an enormous security
problem in UUCP, it is so bad that I won't describe it on the net,
all system administrators please call me immediately".  I think
that the article appeared on this newsgroup, but I am not sure.

	Does anyone else remember this ?  Is this still a huge
secret, or was it just one of the 10 million UUCP bugs already
discussed here ?

					Bill Dietrich

lepreau (11/25/82)

Randal Schwarz of Tektronix sent that out, and it was related to a a bug
and fix John Levine gave.  Had to do with funny uux commands.  However,
randals's fix was definitely not a complete one, as I pointed out to him
a couple of times.  I never got any respone, tho; maybe he never got my
mail.  I did not get around to closing the holes properly either.

-Jay Lepreau (Lepreau@Utah-20 also)