(Andrew Taylor) (09/04/90)
As long we are talking trivia (US endemics) lets get serious. Test the depth of your avian knowledge on the following 10 questions. * MAIL your answers to me, * I'll post results and answers after Tuesday 12th * What sources you use is up to you * Do NOT post the answers! 1) In many birds the male has a more colourful nuptial plumage, name a bird where the female has a more colourful nuptial plumage. 2) Some orders contain only flightless birds: Penguins, Ostrichs, Emus, Kiwis, Cassowarys, and Rheas. Name living flightless birds from 6 other orders. 3) Some birds such as avocets and curlews have bills which are markedly vertically assymetric. Name a bird whose bill is markedly horizontally assymetric (the left of the bill is very different to the right). 4) Name a bird which feeds its young largely on foliage. 5) Several birds are capable of preying on lambs. Name a bird which is capable of preying on full grown sheep. 6) Name a bird which frequently lays its eggs on animal droppings. 7) Name a duck which has (naturally) occurred on all continents except Antarctica. 8) Which bird was known as "King of the Gannets". 9) Many ornithologists have species (common) named after them e.g. Audubon's Petrel. Name an ornithologist who, this century, de-named (declared not a good species) a bird which bore his name. Name the bird. 10) Which bird has fewest rectrices (tail feathers). How many. (Its < 10)