(Daan Sandee) (09/26/90)
(Corrected version - previous had an error. Sorry about that.) Latest updated list of RBA phone hotlines. September 1990. New information is marked with asterisks. Please supply corrections - or extract, correct, and re-post. The data for this list originates from the ABA. Please notify them of corrections at 1-800-634-1776. For information about the North American Rare Bird Alert (NARBA) service, which is by subscription only, call the Houston Audubon Society at 713-932-1639. Hotlines marked + are transcribed by volunteers onto computers and are available on the BIRD_RBA mailing list on BITNET. To subscribe to that, send an Internet mail message to containing one line : sub bird_rba your_full_name_goes_here For more information on BIRD_RBA (for instance, if you want to volunteer to transcribe your local hotline and post it there!) contact CWILLIAMSON%PIMACC.PIMA.EDU (Chuck Williamson) or (Norman Saunders). Daan Sandee Supercomputer Computations Research Institute Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32306-4052 (904) 644-7045 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ United States ============= State Number Area covered (blank means Remarks -- ------------ ------------- statewide) AL 205-987-2730 AK 907-248-2473 AR 501-753-5853 AZ 602-832-8745 Phoenix 602-798-1005+ Tucson CA 707-826-7031 Arcata 213-874-1318 Los Angeles 408-375-9122 Monterey 408-375-2577 (updates to previous) 805-528-7182 Morro Bay 415-528-0288+ Northern CA/San Francisco 415-528-5592 Northern CA 916-481-0118 Sacramento 714-793-5599 San Bernardino 619-435-6761 San Diego 619-479-3400 (daily updates) 805-964-8240 Santa Barbara 209-782-1237 SW Sierra/San Joaquin CO 303-423-5582 CT 203-254-3665 DC 301-652-1088+ Also covers MD, VA, and SE PA. DE 215-567-2473 FL *813-984-4444 305-294-3438 Lower Keys ID 208-236-3337 Southeast IL 217-785-1083 Central 708-671-1522 Chicago IA 319-338-9881+ 712-262-5958 Sioux City IN 317-259-0911+ KS *913-329-4499 LA 504-293-2576 Baton Rouge 504-246-2473 New Orleans MA 617-259-8805 Boston 413-569-6926 Western MD 301-652-1088+ Also covers VA, DC, and SE PA. 301-638-0290+ Harford Co. ME 207-781-2332+ MI 616-471-4919 313-278-4288+ Southeast MN 612-544-5016 218-525-5952 Duluth MO 314-445-9115 816-795-8177 Kansas City 314-938-5349 St Louis MS 601-467-9500 Coast MT 406-721-2935 report to 406-728-1296 NC 704-332-2473 Also covers SC NE 402-453-0724 9pm to 5am NH 603-224-9900 except M-F 9-5 NJ 201-766-2661+ 609-884-2606+ Cape May NM 505-662-2101+ NY 518-439-8080 Albany 716-896-1271 Buffalo 212-832-6523 NYC 716-461-9593 Rochester *315-682-7039 Syracuse OH 513-521-2847 Cincinnati 216-289-2473 Cleveland 614-221-9736 Columbus 614-895-6222 Blendon Woods Metro Park 513-277-6446+ Southwest 216-742-6661 Youngstown OR 503-292-0661 503-826-7011 Southern weekdays 10pm-6am PA 215-567-2473+ Philadelphia (see also MD) 412-963-0560 Western 717-825-2473 Wilkes-Barre RI 401-231-5758 report to 401-231-6444 SC 704-332-2473 Also covers NC TN 615-356-7636 TX 713-821-2846 512-451-3308 Austin 817-237-3209 Northcentral 512-565-6773 Lower Rio Grande Valley 512-733-8306 San Antonio 512-364-3634 Sinton UT *801-538-4730 VT 802-457-2779 except Mon-Sat 8-5 VA 804-929-1736 (see also MD)+ WA 206-526-8266 WI 414-352-3857 608-255-2476 Madison except M-F 9-3 WY 307-265-2473 CANADA ====== Prov Number Area covered ---- ------------ ------------------------- AB 403-237-8821 Calgary BC *604-737-9910 Vancouver 604-592-3381 Victoria NS 902-852-2428 ON 519-586-3959 416-648-9537 Hamilton 519-586-3959 Long Point Bird Obs. 613-596-4888 Ottawa 313-278-4288+ Windsor/Detroit 519-252-2473 Windsor/Pt.Pelee PQ 819-778-0737 Eastern (in French) SK 306-545-2845 Regina