[rec.birds] more migrants + binocs plug

jahayes@miavx1.acs.muohio.edu (05/07/91)

Here's a quick addendum to migrants seen at Hueston Woods; another 
short walk on Friday produced seven warbler species and a few other

Yellow Rumped Warbler, Palm Warbler (abundant), Black and White
Warbler (abundant), Blackburnian Warbler, Northern Parula, Chestnut
Sided Warbler.

Also, numerous gnatcatchers, a pair of calling Northern Orioles,
two house wrens, a single marsh wren, three catbirds, two flickers,
a red-bellied woodpecker, several eastern wood-pewees, a single
great crested flycatcher, bluebirds (IN the forest. Weird.), and
a single hairy woodpecker. The warblers were so abundant that in
the end we simply sat down next to the stream and waited for them
to stream by....which they did. Get out there, folks.

One plug for binocs: I have a pair of 7.5x35 Hertel and Kreuss which
I LOVE. Hard to find in the States, though...

Josh Hayes, jahayes@miavx1.acs.muohio.edu