(Aaron E. Wright) (06/29/91)
The NEBRASKA Birdline has announced a new telephone number, which (unlike the old) will be available 24 hours a day. Starting July 13, the number to call for recent sightings will be 402-292-5325; for details or to report sightings, call 402-292-5556. These numbers are in Bellevue, Sarpy Co., in the extreme east, but the coverage of the Birdline extends to the entire state (and extreme western Iowa most weeks); visiting birders are urged to call the Birdline to find out what's been seen and, especially, to report their own sightings. Until July 13, the old number remains in effect: 402-453-0724. Please make abundant use of this service: a call generally costs less than a first-class letter (and a weekly summary of the text is available through BIRDCNTR, too).