[rec.ham-radio.packet] Need Sharp PC-5000 technical information.

f@alliant.UUCP (04/02/87)

Can someone provide (mail, please) any of the following for the Sharp
	Memory map
	Port addresses
	Programming info for serial port, keyboard, display, etc.
	Bubble format info (where is MS-DOS really?)
	Pinout for external bus.
	Protocol for external bus (especially for floppy).
	Any non-standard BIOS ints?
	Anything else interesting that you happen to know?

Anybody in eastern Mass/southern NH who has one with the floppys who
could let me transfer a few things to bubble?

Suggestions for dealing with the fact that the serial port is named AUX
and that BASIC only has modem control/speed setting hooks for devices named
COMn?  I could do a simple XMODEM hack in BASIC to get started if I get
around this one.

Thanks for reading this far.

...!{decvax!linus,mit-eddie}!alliant!f		Bill Freeman
alliant!f@mit-eddie.edu			KE1G @ WB1DSW