daved@cbnewsl.att.com (david.dougherty) (07/20/90)
A couple of days ago, I snatched the chess fonts off of ymir.claremont.edu, built them, and testfont'd them; I'm impressed! Does anybody know of a set of TeX (or LaTeX) macros for typesetting chess using the aforementioned fonts? Ideally, I would be interested in something like what Rubinstein de- monstrated in TUGBOAT Volume 10, Number 3. That is, something like: \date{some date} \event{name of tournament} \players{white player}{black player} \opening{opening used} \initialposition \showboard \startplay e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 \showboard \begincommentary . . . \endcommentary \startplay Bc4 Nf6 o-o Nxe4 Re1 \showboard \startplay ... Nf6 Nxe5 Nxe5 Rxe5+ Be7 \showboard \vfil\eject\bye Any pointers would be appreciated. Thanks! -- -- David W. Dougherty @ AT&T Bell Laboratories ARPA: dwd@attunix.att.COM UUCP: ...!att!attunix!dwd