n2dsy@hou2d.UUCP (G.BEATTIE) (08/26/87)
************** The Radio Amateur Telecommunications Society ************ ******************** Information Bulletin 20 August 1987 **************** To: All Radio Amateurs Fm: N2DSY @ KD6TH-4/201 Sb: COSI-Switch and RATS Update The delays in getting out the COSI-Switch have been long and somewhat frustrating for everyone. Things are finally coming together. What should be clear to everyone by now is that the originally announced X.25 Level 3 code has not arrived. Something had to be done... The project has been started from scratch by Tom Moulton, W2VY. He is getting consultation support from John Howell, N2FVN, Harlan Worchel, KB2CNL, and Gordon Beattie, N2DSY. All of these individuals have previously implemented X.25 switches or Packet Assembler/Disassemblers (PADs). We had a design review on the 14th of August and we are all quite pleased with the progress Tom has made. (Kudos to TOM !) The revised delivery scedule is as follows: 1 Oct - Alpha testing of a completed COSI-Switch Level 3 module 1 Nov - Beta testing of a completed COSI-Switch machine - TNC-2/DR-200 (Any other hardware suggestions ?) 1 Jan - Production shipment begins All individuals and clubs that contacted RATS regarding this project will receive MS-DOS Disks and EPROMS with the code during each phase of the testing cycle. We got a good deal on diskettes and EPROMs so we will include everyone ! The production version will include SOURCE in "C". As with all the SOURCE we distribute, it is free for non-commercial use. --- Delete the following before transmission over Amateur Radio networks --- Support contributions are accepted and commercial licensing arrangements can be made. Contact RATS for details. -------------------- END DELETE ------------------------------------------- ALL proceeds go to the enhancement of the Packet Network. Other happenings: John Howell N2FVN has produced an implementation of the "Asynchronous Framing Technique (AFT) in "C". This is useful for providing error-checked, transparent HDLC links through asynchronous interfaces. AFT can be run over seven or eight bit networks and handles HDLC frames transparently. It is a nice building-block for the network. This AFT is a generic implementation (accompanied by a "DOC" file) that includes code that runs under MS-DOS. Distribution of this code, in compressed form, will be via Amateur Packet Radio, Usenet and CompuServe HAMNET. The file name(s) will be based on the string "AFT10" for AFT version 1.0. It will be distributed in compressed form. We'll send it out with the first COSI-Switch test code. John is working on a matching capability for the TNC-2. This would provide a error-checked link between PCs and TNCs. Harlan Worchel, KB2CNL (yes, a NOVICE !) is working on porting the code to the Commodore 64. Brian Riley's (KA2BQE) latest release of the Packet Radio MailBox System, version 95c, supports forwarding through COSI-Switch, GatorSwitch and NET/ROM. It also has the "KT" (kill traffic) feature that will automatically generate a service message when a traffic message is removed from the packet network. It is available from RATS, with the "C" SOURCE CODE. Send a message to N2DSY @ KD6TH-4/201 or KA2BQE @ KA2BQE-4/609 to get a copy of the code. RATS is currently beta-testing the GLB Netlink 220 19.2 KBps modem/radios. So fast ! Sooo goood ! We are also burning-in eight PAC-COMM DR-200s. These will be deployed shortly. RATS wishes to thank you for your patience. We're not real happy with how we got into the Level 3 COSI-Switch delay, but we think the effort is on the right track. If you have any questions call or send me a message. Hang tough. We think you'll like the output ! Next update will be sent on or about 15 September. Vy 73, J. Gordon Beattie, Jr. MAIL Unix: ihnp4!houxm!hou2d!n2dsy Amateur: n2dsy @ kd6th-4/201 TELEPHONE Office: 201-615-2506 Home: 201-387-8896