[net.unix-wizards] sdb

george@sri-unix (12/06/82)

sdb will run faster and more efficiently if lines 57 and 58

george@sri-unix (12/06/82)

sdb will run faster and more efficiently if lines 57 and 58
of main.c are deleted.

thomas (12/13/82)

Actually, on 4.1bsd and above (maybe 4bsd, too), you could probably
change them to
	setbuf(stdout, malloc(BUFSIZE);
	stdout->_flag |= _IOLBF;
	setbuf(stderr, malloc(BUFSIZE);
	stderr->_flag |= _IOLBF;

This lets you run it through a pipe into tee (although why you would do that
with script and/or Gosling's emacs around, I dunno), but preserves efficiency.
