(Duke McMullan n5gax) (12/01/88)
Our local electronics surplus shop has acquired a few impressive-looking flashtubes with octal bases and glass envelopes around a 5-turn coiled tube with the legend: Amglo 78R9D and a few patent numbers on the base. We have no data at all on these things, and I'm wondering if anyone out there knows either the data or a likely source for the data on this tube. I don't need to say it, but I will anyway. We need to know: o Pin-out for the base o Maximum and minimum electrode voltages o Maximum and minimum trigger voltages o Maximum power rating in joules (watt-seconds to the unwashed) o Any special info about the characteristics of the energy storage capacitors these things need. o Maximum and minimum light outputs Better Caving through Electrical Stuff, d -- Always pay careful attention to the man behind the curtain. Duke McMullan n5gax nss13429r phon505-255-4642