[rec.ham-radio] WANTED: Shuttle transmission frequencies

kingdon@cunixc.cc.columbia.edu (John Kingdon) (04/26/89)

With the Space Shuttle ATLANTIS (STS-30) scheduled to launch in a few days
(April 28, 1824 UTC), I am interested in finding out if WA3NAN or some other
Amateur Radio station will put the NASA feed onto HF (shortwave).  I enjoyed
listening during the last flight and hope there is continuing service from the
Amateur community.  Could someone please send to me (or post) a list 
(preferably for HF) which gives the list of this Amateur service or some of 
NASA's feeds?

Thanks much,  John Kingdon
 John Kingdon  (212)-678-1689             |  CompuServe 71471, 1062
 UUCP ...!rutgers!columbia!cunixc!kingdon |  ARPA kingdon@cunixc.columbia.edu
 BITNET kingdon@cunixc.bitnet             |  or kingdon@cunixc.cc.columbia.edu

eddjp@althea.UUCP (Dewey Paciaffi) (04/27/89)

In article <1443@cunixc.cc.columbia.edu> kingdon@cunixc.cc.columbia.edu (John Kingdon) writes:
~Could someone please send to me (or post) a list 
~(preferably for HF) which gives the list of this Amateur service or some of 
~NASA's feeds?

Please post this info if possible.
I would like it also.

Thanks in advance.