[rec.ham-radio] Wanted: used speed radar unit

depolo@eniac.seas.upenn.edu (Jeff DePolo) (08/05/89)

I've been looking for a used speed radar unit such as is used by police
departments.  I have found a couple of sources, but they are all over-
priced.  If you have one you are interested in selling or know of a
source (e.g. State surplus liquidators), please let me know.  Thanks.

							--- Jeff
|      Jeff DePolo - N3HBZ     | Via the Net: depolo@eniac.seas.upenn.edu   |
|  University of Pennsylvania  | Electromagnetic: 147.225/224.980 in Denver |
| Computer Science Engineering | The Old Fashioned Way: (303) 469-1078 home |
|        Class of 1991         |                        (303) 469-7765 work |