[rec.ham-radio] Hurricane Gabrielle GIF pictures from GEOS

roskos@IDA.ORG (Eric Roskos) (09/13/89)

Phil forwarded to me a question someone asked about how these pictures
were produced.  Unfortunately the posting in which the question appeared
has not arrived here, so I will follow up to the original posting.

Note, incidentally, that the pictures are not from GEOS, they are
primarily from the NOAA TIROS-N satellites.

The equipment used to produce these pictures is as follows:

	- Dressler ARA-800 active antenna
	- Kenwood R-5000 with internal VC-20 VHF converter
	- A&A Engineering WEFAX demodulators
	- PC/AT clone
	- My own software to produce the raw data
	- FBM to produce the GIF images

The R-5000 unfortunately does not have adequate bandwidth for the
satellite pictures, which is the reason for the snow in some of the
whitest and blackest portions of the picture. 
Eric Roskos (roskos@CS.IDA.ORG or Roskos@DOCKMASTER.NCSC.MIL)
Eric Roskos (roskos@CS.IDA.ORG or Roskos@DOCKMASTER.NCSC.MIL)