[rec.ham-radio] SCA decoder

markz@ssc.UUCP (Mark Zenier) (08/21/90)

Here is a description of an SCA decoder using the Motorola Mc3359 
Low Power Narrowband FM IF integrated circuit.

The output is from a set of awk scripts and shell procs I use
for creating wirewrap lists.

Mark Zenier


What is SCA

	SCA or Subsidiary Communications Authorization is a method 
of piggybacking signals on the normal audio programming from FM 
Broadcast stations.  Normally, the audio program occupies
the frequencies (after FM detection) from 0 to 15 Khz, there
is a 19 Khz pilot tone for stereo,  then the Double Sideband
Supressed Carrier Stereo Difference signal takes 38 Khz +/- 15 Khz.
There is room above all that for other signals, using the range
60 to around 100 Khz.  About the only limitation the FCC places 
on the signal is how much the SCA signals modulate the main RF 
carrier.  Monophonic FM stations can use subcarriers in the range 
of 20 to 100 Khz.

	The usual audio signals are narrowband FM subcarriers with a 
deviation of +/- 5 Khz.  Common subcarrier frequencies are 67, 75, and 
92 Khz.  

	There are also FSK and PSK data subcarriers for such uses as
stock market tickertapes and paging.

Content, Property Rights and ECPA

	The signals can be used for whatever the station can
get money for.  Talking newspapers for the blind, "Muzak", and
ethnic programming are signals I've monitored in my area.

	These are not considered public broadcasts, and are covered
under some form of copyright or performance right.  There is some
question that the Electronic Communications Privacy Act may disallow
listening to SCA signals.  So don't try to go into competition with
the program providers, because they are the ones collecting the
subscription payments and the law is on their side.

Theory of Operation

	The Mc3359 is one of several similar chips designed to
be the second IF for a narrowband FM receiver.  It has a local
oscillator, a balanced mixer, a limiting IF amplifier, a FM
quadrature detector.  Also included is an OP amp, and a squelch/
mute circuit which is not used.  It is documented in Motorola's
Linear and Interface Integrated Circuits databook (DL128).
The specifications state that it produces a useful audio signal
with and input of around 10 microvolts.  (Quite a change from
logic thresholds for this digital hacker.)

	In this case, the signal is obtained from the output of the FM 
detector inside a FM tuner.  The input resistor (R1) is large to prevent
loading down the tuner's circuitry.  Then a parallel LC tuned circuit
(C1,C2,L1) selects the desired subcarrier.  The Local Osc. frequency
is set by L2, C4 and C5.  This should be in the range of 388 (455 - 67) 
Khz to 363 (455 - 92) Khz.  The output of the mixer is filtered by a
three terminal ceramic bandpass filter, X1, (Not a ceramic resonater 
used for oscillators).  The limiter input (the output of the filter) is the
pin most senstive to spurious signal pickup.  Keep that wire short.
The limiter output is processed through a quadrature detector, a balanced 
mixer combined with a tuned circuit (L3 with an internal capacitor), 
to produce the audio frequency signal, deemphasized and filtered by
R3, c11, c12, r4, etc.


	First try the nearest Motorola distributor.  I got the IC 
at a local (Seattle area) retailer called Supertronix.  (Sort of 
a local "Radio Shack on Steroids" with a large selection 
(206) 251-8484 ).  
It's also in the NTE (and ECG) inventory as a NTE-860 ($$$ warning).
A Mc3357 is similar, but requires more external parts. 

	The inductors and bandpass filter are available from DIGI-KEY.
I haven't yet tried the Toko 154ANS-T1020Z for L2, should work. ;-)
The J. W. Miller 9001 is a big ugly wide range thing.


	First, power the circuit up with no input signal, 4 to 
9 volts, 3 mA.  Hook the audio output up to your amplifer (about 
.5 V signal).  With a DC voltmeter or 'scope across C11, adjust L3 
across it's range.  At one end, the voltage should be about .5 V DC, 
at the other end the voltage should be about 1 volt below the power 
voltage.  The transition should be abrupt.  In the transition area, 
adjust L3 so the voltage is halfway between the two extremes.  This 
should be the point for the loudest output of random noise.

	If you have a frequency counter, scope, or LF receiver, look 
at pin 2 and adjust L2 for the subcarrier you want to try first.  388 
Khz is a good bet.  With L3 adjusted, it really isn't that critical.

Hook the input to the FM detector output inside your FM receiver/tuner.
(You'll have to figure this out yourself), and tune to the station
with a SCA subcarrier.  Quality of reception is important.  If the
normal broadcast audio isn't clean, the subcarriers will be drown out
by noise and distortion.  Tune L2, when a signal is there, you'll get
a quiet output, or hear the music.

Even with L1 misadjusted, the the chip is sensitive enough to pick the
subcarrier up.  Adjust L1 for the lowest extraneous noise.  
Alternatively, you can hook an audio oscillator to the input, instead of 
the FM receiver, set to 67 (or whatever) Khz, .1 to .5 Volt, look at pin 18, 
and tune L1 for a peak AC voltage.


There is still a lot of crud in the audio, but it's good enough to tell 
you what's out there.

 location         device            function  
    c01           capacitor         3300 pf c1+c2 = 6000 pf
    c02           capacitor         2700 pf
    c03           capacitor         4700 pf input couple
    c04           capacitor         3300 pf
    c05           capacitor         4700 pf
    c06           capacitor         limiter bypass .1 uF
    c07           capacitor         limiter bypass .1 uF
    c08           capacitor         decoder bypass 100 pf
    c09           capacitor         power bypass .1 uF
    c10           capacitor         power bypass 100 uF 25v
    c11           capacitor         deemphasis .02 uF
    c12           capacitor         output couple .01 uF
    c13           capacitor         output couple .01 uF
    ic1           mc3359            mixer if fm detector
    j1            connector         signal input
    j2            connector         audio output
    j3            connector         power
    l1            inductor5         .68 mH toko RMC-2A6597HM
    l2            inductor     80 - 90 uH miller 9001 or toko 154ANS-T1020Z
    l3            inductor5         quadrature coil toko RMC-2A6597HM
    r1            resistor          input resistor 100k
    r2            resistor          quadrature deQ 68k
    r3            resistor          deemphasis 7.5 kohm
    r4            trimpot           output volume 10 kohm
    x1            bandpass          455 kHz 10 khz toko HCFM2-455D


  location c01  
  device   capacitor       capacitor
  function 3300 pf c1+c2 = 6000 pf

     pin    function      net 

     01     plus          infilter
     02     minus         gnd

  location c02  
  device   capacitor       capacitor
  function 2700 pf

     pin    function      net 

     01     plus          infilter
     02     minus         gnd

  location c03  
  device   capacitor       capacitor
  function 4700 pf input couple

     pin    function      net 

     01     plus          infilter
     02     minus         rfin

  location c04  
  device   capacitor       capacitor
  function 3300 pf

     pin    function      net 

     01     plus          oscbase
     02     minus         oscemitter

  location c05  
  device   capacitor       capacitor
  function 4700 pf

     pin    function      net 

     01     plus          vcc
     02     minus         oscemitter

  location c06  
  device   capacitor       capacitor
  function limiter bypass .1 uF

     pin    function      net 

     01     plus          pin6
     02     minus         pin7

  location c07  
  device   capacitor       capacitor
  function limiter bypass .1 uF

     pin    function      net 

     01     plus          vcc
     02     minus         pin7

  location c08  
  device   capacitor       capacitor
  function decoder bypass 100 pf

     pin    function      net 

     01     plus          demodbyp
     02     minus         gnd

  location c09  
  device   capacitor       capacitor
  function power bypass .1 uF

     pin    function      net 

     01     plus          vcc
     02     minus         gnd

  location c10  
  device   capacitor       capacitor
  function power bypass 100 uF 25v

     pin    function      net 

     01     plus          vcc
     02     minus         gnd

  location c11  
  device   capacitor       capacitor
  function deemphasis .02 uF

     pin    function      net 

     01     plus          deemph
     02     minus         gnd

  location c12  
  device   capacitor       capacitor
  function output couple .01 uF

     pin    function      net 

     01     plus          deemph
     02     minus         trimin

  location c13  
  device   capacitor       capacitor
  function output couple .01 uF

     pin    function      net 

     01     plus          trimout
     02     minus         audioout

  location ic1  
  device   mc3359          low power narrowband FM if
  function mixer if fm detector

     pin    function      net 

     01     i osc base    oscbase
     02     x osc emitt   oscemitter
     03     o mixer       mixerout
     04     vcc           vcc
     05     i limiter     limiterin
     06     x decouple    pin6
     07     x decouple    pin7
     08     x quad coil   quadcoil
     09     x demod filt  demodbyp
     10     o audio       detectout
     11     o afc         
     12     i opamp -     gnd
     13     o opamp       
     14     i squelch     gnd
     15     o scan        
     16     o mute        
     17     gnd           gnd
     18     i rf          rfin

  location j1   
  device   connector       connector
  function signal input

     pin    function      net 

     01                   multiplex
     02                   gnd

  location j2   
  device   connector       connector
  function audio output

     pin    function      net 

     01                   audioout
     02                   gnd

  location j3   
  device   connector       connector
  function power

     pin    function      net 

     01                   vcc
     02                   gnd

  location l1   
  device   inductor5       5 pin min. inductor
  function .68 mH toko RMC-2A6597HM

     pin    function      net 

     01     coil 1        infilter
     02     center        
     03     coil 1        gnd
     04     coil 2        
     05     coil 2        

  location l2   
  device   inductor        inductor
  function 80 - 90 uH miller 9001 or toko 154ANS-T1020Z

     pin    function      net 

     01     1             vcc
     02     2             oscbase

  location l3   
  device   inductor5       5 pin min. inductor
  function quadrature coil toko RMC-2A6597HM

     pin    function      net 

     01     coil 1        vcc
     02     center        
     03     coil 1        quadcoil
     04     coil 2        
     05     coil 2        

  location r1   
  device   resistor        resistor
  function input resistor 100k

     pin    function      net 

     01     1             multiplex
     02     2             infilter

  location r2   
  device   resistor        resistor
  function quadrature deQ 68k

     pin    function      net 

     01     1             vcc
     02     2             quadcoil

  location r3   
  device   resistor        resistor
  function deemphasis 7.5 kohm

     pin    function      net 

     01     1             detectout
     02     2             deemph

  location r4   
  device   trimpot         trimmer pot
  function output volume 10 kohm

     pin    function      net 

     01     top           trimin
     02     wiper         trimout
     03     bottom        gnd

  location x1   
  device   bandpass        3 terminal bandpass filter
  function 455 kHz 10 khz toko HCFM2-455D

     pin    function      net 

     01     input         mixerout
     02     gnd           vcc
     03     output        limiterin


 net = audioout
     c13   02         minus           output couple .01 uF
     j2    01                         audio output
                              count = 2

 net = deemph
     c11   01         plus            deemphasis .02 uF
     c12   01         plus            output couple .01 uF
     r3    02         2               deemphasis 7.5 kohm
                              count = 3

 net = demodbyp
     c08   01         plus            decoder bypass 100 pf
     ic1   09         x demod filt    mixer if fm detector
                              count = 2

 net = detectout
     ic1   10         o audio         mixer if fm detector
     r3    01         1               deemphasis 7.5 kohm
                              count = 2

 net = gnd
     c01   02         minus           3300 pf c1+c2 = 6000 pf
     c02   02         minus           2700 pf
     c08   02         minus           decoder bypass 100 pf
     c09   02         minus           power bypass .1 uF
     c10   02         minus           power bypass 100 uF 25v
     c11   02         minus           deemphasis .02 uF
     ic1   12         i opamp -       mixer if fm detector
     ic1   14         i squelch       mixer if fm detector
     ic1   17         gnd             mixer if fm detector
     j1    02                         signal input
     j2    02                         audio output
     j3    02                         power
     l1    03         coil 1          .68 mH toko RMC-2A6597HM
     r4    03         bottom          output volume 10 kohm
                              count = 14

 net = infilter
     c01   01         plus            3300 pf c1+c2 = 6000 pf
     c02   01         plus            2700 pf
     c03   01         plus            4700 pf input couple
     l1    01         coil 1          .68 mH toko RMC-2A6597HM
     r1    02         2               input resistor 100k
                              count = 5

 net = limiterin
     ic1   05         i limiter       mixer if fm detector
     x1    03         output          455 kHz 10 khz toko HCFM2-455D
                              count = 2

 net = mixerout
     ic1   03         o mixer         mixer if fm detector
     x1    01         input           455 kHz 10 khz toko HCFM2-455D
                              count = 2

 net = multiplex
     j1    01                         signal input
     r1    01         1               input resistor 100k
                              count = 2

 net = oscbase
     c04   01         plus            3300 pf
     ic1   01         i osc base      mixer if fm detector
     l2    02         2       80 - 90 uH miller 9001 or toko 154ANS-T1020Z
                              count = 3

 net = oscemitter
     c04   02         minus           3300 pf
     c05   02         minus           4700 pf
     ic1   02         x osc emitt     mixer if fm detector
                              count = 3

 net = pin6
     c06   01         plus            limiter bypass .1 uF
     ic1   06         x decouple      mixer if fm detector
                              count = 2

 net = pin7
     c06   02         minus           limiter bypass .1 uF
     c07   02         minus           limiter bypass .1 uF
     ic1   07         x decouple      mixer if fm detector
                              count = 3

 net = quadcoil
     ic1   08         x quad coil     mixer if fm detector
     l3    03         coil 1          quadrature coil toko RMC-2A6597HM
     r2    02         2               quadrature deQ 68k
                              count = 3

 net = rfin
     c03   02         minus           4700 pf input couple
     ic1   18         i rf            mixer if fm detector
                              count = 2

 net = trimin
     c12   02         minus           output couple .01 uF
     r4    01         top             output volume 10 kohm
                              count = 2

 net = trimout
     c13   01         plus            output couple .01 uF
     r4    02         wiper           output volume 10 kohm
                              count = 2

 net = vcc
     c05   01         plus            4700 pf
     c07   01         plus            limiter bypass .1 uF
     c09   01         plus            power bypass .1 uF
     c10   01         plus            power bypass 100 uF 25v
     ic1   04         vcc             mixer if fm detector
     j3    01                         power
     l2    01         1        80 - 90 uH miller 9001 or toko 154ANS-T1020Z
     l3    01         coil 1          quadrature coil toko RMC-2A6597HM
     r2    01         1               quadrature deQ 68k
     x1    02         gnd             455 kHz 10 khz toko HCFM2-455D
                              count = 10

                        total count = 64

markz@ssc.UUCP (Mark Zenier) (08/26/90)

In article <3091@orbit.cts.com>, rambler@pnet51.orb.mn.org (Dan Meyer) writes:
> in an article : markz@ssc.UUCP (Mark Zenier) says
> >Here is a description of an SCA decoder using the Motorola Mc3359 
> >Low Power Narrowband FM IF integrated circuit.
> isn't there an easier way? Like a handful of inexpensive components, 
> like a 555 or 567 etc? 

The advantage of the circuit, which I didn't make clear in the
original posting is that it is easily tuneable.  Most of the
PLL circuits are limited to one subcarrier.  This one tunes
the stuff from 67 to 92 Khz with just a twiddle or two.
And if the input filter were more sophisticated, it would tune
the entire possible range.

The next step is to replace the 10.7 Mhz filters in my tuner to
see if the main program splatter is reduced.
