[rec.video] Mac II meets XBR

rdp@pbseps.UUCP (Richard Perlman) (06/15/88)

I know this discussion has been around, but at the time it was
only of intellectual interest... now I care.  That said...

I would to hook a Sony 25xbr set up to a Mac II with Mac's video
board (with the expanded video option -- 8 bit video)

I would like to know: 	Does this realy work?
			How many pixels does the Mac think the
			xbr has?
			RGB vs. Composite video?
			How do I do it?
			What do I need?  Software, Hardware?
			Whatever else you have to share...

I will summarize useful info to the net and forward all info
(useful or otherwise) to any askers.

Richard Perlman  Rm. 602, 180 New Montgomery St., San Francisco, CA 94105
(415) 545-0233 || UUCP {ames,pyramid,att,bellcore,}!pacbell!pbseps!rdp