klopfens@bgsuvax.UUCP (Bruce Klopfenstein) (08/11/90)
I teach our new technologies course and I have been using the MIT Media Lab videodisc from about 1986. Has this been updated either as a new videodisc or, perhaps, VHS tape? Are there papers available on the latest Media Lab projects? Will any representatives of the Media Lab be in the Detroit/Toledo area this fall? Thanks for your help. -- Bruce C. Klopfenstein | klopfens@barney.bgsu.edu Radio-TV-Film Department | klopfenstein@bgsuopie.bitnet 318 West Hall | klopfens@bgsuvax.UUCP Bowling Green State University | (419) 372-2138; 372-8690 Bowling Green, OH 43403 | fax (419) 372-2300
sdk@ata.twinsun.com (Scott D Kalter) (08/14/90)
As an addendum to the original request... I'm interested in how to get *any* of the Media Lab's videodiscs. Does anyone know if they are available to the public? Is there more than one (if so, is there a list)? Scott D. Kalter <sdk@twinsun.com>