[rec.video] videoplus codes: the first 100

shirriff@sprite.berkeley.edu (Ken Shirriff) (05/11/91)

In case anyone is interested, the algorithm for the first 100 codes is:
1.  Find the code in the following table. 
2.  Calculate day*month.  (The month is known and the day is at the top.)
3.  Move down that many lines in the table.  (Start at top if you reach
    the bottom.)
4.  The label for that line gives the start time and channel.  (All are
    30 minute slots.)

e.g. 89 in May: Since 89 is in the 2nd column, move down 2*5=10 lines, gives
     7:30 on channel 2.

	    1st     2nd     3rd
6:30, ch1    72      73      74
4:00, ch1     1 
6:30, ch2     2      43      16
4:00, ch2     3
7:30, ch1     4      85
4:30, ch1     5              57
7:30, ch2     6      27
4:30, ch2     7
6:30, ch3     8      69
4:00, ch3     9
6:30, ch4    10      11      12
4:00, ch4    81
7:30, ch3    52      53
4:30, ch3                    25
7:30, ch4            95
4:30, ch4
3:30, ch1                    38
5:30, ch1    97
3:30, ch2    78      79
5:30, ch2    49              51
6:00, ch1    20      21
2:30, ch1    91
6:00, ch2                    64
2:30, ch2                    35
3:30, ch3    84      55      26
5:30, ch3    75              77
3:30, ch4    46      47      48
5:30, ch4
6:00, ch3            89      90
2:30, ch3    59              61
6:00, ch4    30      31
2:30, ch4    71              13

Note: the units digit is sequential, except for the first 3 lines.
There are a few gaps I haven't been able to fill in.

Thanks to Curt Welch for determining the first 10 codes.

Ken Shirriff			shirriff@sprite.Berkeley.EDU