[tor.news] Missing comp.sources.unix

mason@tmsoft.UUCP (05/11/87)

I keep an archive of all mod.sources (now comp.sources.unix), and I have
everything in the last several volumes....except v09 #51,61,62,63

Does anybody nearby have them?  Mail me & I'll choose the closest.

Thanks	../Dave
	../Dave Mason,	TM Software Associates	(Compilers & System Consulting)
	..!{utzoo seismo!mnetor utcsri utgpu lsuc}!tmsoft!mason

yonatan@cmq1.UUCP (Jonathan Hanna) (05/13/87)

In article <141@tmsoft.UUCP> mason@tmsoft.UUCP writes:
>I keep an archive of all mod.sources (now comp.sources.unix), and I have
>everything in the last several volumes....except v09 #51,61,62,63

Same problem here. Did these articles make it into Toronto?
If not, perhaps they could be shipped in and reposted locally.
If so, I too would appreciate a mailing offer.
	Jonathan Hanna	{ihnp4,linus,decvax}!utzoo!yetti!cmq1!yonatan