wcm@geac.com (W Christopher Martin) (01/06/90)
I've seen a couple references to news hierarchies that appear to be gatewayed to/from BITNET mailing lists. Are there any Toronto area sites that are willing to pass these on via uucp? wcm -- W. Christopher Martin wcm@geac.com or {uunet!jtsv16,utgpu,yunexus}!geac!wcm
bdb@becker.UUCP (Bruce Becker) (01/06/90)
In article <1990Jan5.195044.6085@geac.com> wcm@geac.com (W Christopher Martin) writes: |I've seen a couple references to news hierarchies that appear |to be gatewayed to/from BITNET mailing lists. Are there any |Toronto area sites that are willing to pass these on via |uucp? You can inject mailing lists directly into news yourself. Just subscribe to the list using a suitable alias, and in your "/usr/lib/aliases" file send the mail to a script that injects into a newsgroup. Make the newsgroup moderated and put the newsgroup's address in the "/usr/lib/news/mailpaths" file. If you're running "smail", I have a patch which allows piping of mail into a program or script, if you need it. Cheers, -- \\\\ Bruce Becker Toronto, Ont. w \66/ Internet: bdb@becker.UUCP, bruce@gpu.utcs.toronto.edu `/v/-e BitNet: BECKER@HUMBER.BITNET _< \_ "We can't afford to igNoriega this" - George 'Thug-free' Bush
lamy@cs.utoronto.ca (Jean-Francois Lamy) (01/06/90)
wcm@geac.com (W Christopher Martin) writes: |I've seen a couple references to news hierarchies that appear |to be gatewayed to/from BITNET mailing lists. Are there any |Toronto area sites that are willing to pass these on via |uucp? Many of the bitnet LISTSERV mailing lists into corresponding bit.listserv.* newsgroups, and jarvis.csri.toronto.edu gets those. Some tend to be a bit esoteric and specialized, but not more so than some of the rather narrow comp.* groups. We could let the bit.* groups out (the volume is not that high), but since we only feed torsqnt the other sites on campus that feed local sites would have to accept and redistribute bit.* in the first place. There is a slight coordination problem here: gpu.utcs used to do the same sort of gatewaying with bitnet.* newsgroups that were local to UofT, and at this point it is not clear how the two will be merged. The title of your message mentions list.* newsgroups. These UofT newsgroups consist of direct subscriptions to mailing lists from the Internet and Bitnet. As it turns out, all but 4 of the list.* that we were getting from Bitnet are now bit.listserv newsgroups, and so most of those might go. The other lists are Internet lists that are not gatewayed into newsgroups. One problem with letting the list.* newsgroups out is that Usenet is like a soggy diaper and leaks from all sides. Next thing we'll know they'll reach Australia and people will complain. So I'm not too hot on letting them out in that form. I've included the list of bit.* and list.* newsgroups at the end, so people can make up their minds on how much interest there is (remember that leaking bit.* is easy, and the list.* newsgroups would require thinking about it) bdb@becker.UUCP (Bruce Becker) writes: > You can inject mailing lists directly into > news yourself. Just subscribe to the list > using a suitable alias, and in your "/usr/lib/aliases" Remember that the Internet and Bitnet traffic to the US still travel on a single 56Kbps link (38.4Kbps for the Internet side) and that it is very congested. Given that the articles are already making it up north, and until which time we can swim in network bandwidth (not for the foreseeable future), it makes more sense to get the articles from a source North of the border. In particular, vm.utcs.utoronto.ca seems to get most of the Bitnet listserv stuff on their own listserv, so that would be a preferred source for getting bitnet lists (assuming we don't get the bit.listserv groups out) Jean-Francois Lamy lamy@cs.utoronto.ca, uunet!cs.utoronto.ca!lamy Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto, Canada M5S 1A4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bit.general General BITNET info. NETMONTH, SERVERS. bit.listserv.advise-l For user services people, advisors, consultants, etc bit.listserv.aidsnews Discussions about AIDS bit.listserv.aix-l IBM AIX discussion list bit.listserv.apple2-l Apple II discussions bit.listserv.applicat Identification and Documentation of Bitnet applications bit.listserv.asm370 IBM System/370 Assemble Language bit.listserv.billing Chargeback of computer resources bit.listserv.bitnews News from BITNIC bit.listserv.candle-l Candle products discussion list bit.listserv.christia Practical Christian life bit.listserv.cmspip-l VM/SP CMS Pipelines Discussion List bit.listserv.comm-l Communication Networks - technical & non-technical bit.listserv.confer-l Discussions about an academic conferencing system bit.listserv.cumrec-l Administrative computer users and programmers bit.listserv.cyber-l CDC Cyber support, announcements and reviews. bit.listserv.dbase-l dBase programming language and dialects bit.listserv.domain-l Bitnet support of Domain names bit.listserv.drp-l Disaster Recovery Plan for Computing Services bit.listserv.earntech Earn technical list bit.listserv.edi-l Electronic Data Interchange Issues - ANSI X12 and EDIFACT bit.listserv.edtech Educational technology bit.listserv.envbeh-l Forum on Environment, Design, and Human Behavior bit.listserv.erl-l Educational Research List bit.listserv.ethics-l Ethical discussions bit.listserv.film-l Film making and reviews bit.listserv.frac-l Fractals bit.listserv.future-l Future developments in Bitnet bit.listserv.games-l Computer Games list. bit.listserv.gddm-l About IBM's GDDM graphics product bit.listserv.gguide Guide to creating a Bitnet guide. bit.listserv.gutnberg Machine Readable Texts bit.listserv.hellas Hellenic Discussion List bit.listserv.helpnet Network Emergency Response Planning bit.listserv.history General history discussions bit.listserv.i-amiga Info-Amiga List bit.listserv.ibm-main IBM Mainframe topics bit.listserv.ibm-nets IBM networking bit.listserv.ibmtcp-l TCP/IP on IBM equipment. bit.listserv.ibm7171 The 7171 protocol converter bit.listserv.info-gcg Computer aided molecular biology bit.listserv.infonets No description bit.listserv.ioob-l Industrial Psychology bit.listserv.isn The AT&T ISN system bit.listserv.jes2-l JES2 discussion list bit.listserv.jnet-l For discussion about JNET bit.listserv.l-hcap Issues related to handicapped people bit.listserv.l-vmctr VMCENTER software discussions bit.listserv.liaison For user services people at Bitnet sites bit.listserv.license Software licensing issues bit.listserv.linkfail Bitnet link failure topics and announcements bit.listserv.literary Discussions about literature bit.listserv.lstsrv-l About Listserve machines bit.listserv.mail-l Mail systems, user agents, etc. bit.listserv.mailbook Rice's MAILBOOK system bit.listserv.media-l Media Services - Video, Audio, etc. bit.listserv.ministry-l Careers in religious ministry bit.listserv.minix Minix operating system bit.listserv.mon-l Network monitoring bit.listserv.netmon-l The NETMON program for monitoring the network bit.listserv.netnws-l NETNEWS topics bit.listserv.new-list Announcements of new discussion lists bit.listserv.newsb-l College news bureau issues bit.listserv.next-l NeXT Computer List bit.listserv.nodmgt-l Node management bit.listserv.notis-l NOTIS/DOBIS discussions bit.listserv.novell NOVELL Lan Interest Group bit.listserv.omrscan Optical scanners bit.listserv.online-l JBH Online bit.listserv.ozone Save Nature list bit.listserv.pacs-l Library systems - CDROM, CAI, AI etc. bit.listserv.page-l IBM 3812/3820 Tips and Problems Discussion bit.listserv.pmdf-l Pascal Memo Distribution Facility for VAX/VMS bit.listserv.policy-l BITNET policy issues bit.listserv.redist-l Redistribution of ARPA lists and digests bit.listserv.relusr-l Relay users forum bit.listserv.rexxlist The REXX interpreter bit.listserv.rscsmods Mods to RSCS bit.listserv.rscsv2-l RSCS version 2 bit.listserv.s-comput Supercomputing topics bit.listserv.sas-l SAS (Statistical Analysis System) discussions bit.listserv.script-l IBM and Waterloo Script bit.listserv.scuba-l SCUBA Diving list bit.listserv.servers Network file servers bit.listserv.simula The simula language bit.listserv.snamgt-l SNA networks bit.listserv.sos-data Social Science Data discussions bit.listserv.spires-l SPIRES Information Retrieval system bit.listserv.sportpsy Exercise and Sport Psychology bit.listserv.spssx-l The SPSSX Statistical package bit.listserv.sqlinfo SQL system and language bit.listserv.stat-l Statistical Consulting bit.listserv.std-l BITNET "standard" environments bit.listserv.tech-l Technical working groups list for Preshare meetings bit.listserv.tex-l The TEX typesetting language bit.listserv.tn3270-l TN3270 protocol discussion list bit.listserv.trafic-l Network traffic bit.listserv.trans-l File tranfer topics for Bitnet sites bit.listserv.travel-l About travel and tourism bit.listserv.ucp-l The University Computer Project in SHARE bit.listserv.ug-l Usage Guidelines - network abuse & etiquette. bit.listserv.urep-l Discussion about UREP - the UNIX/RSCS emulator bit.listserv.usrdir-l User directory services/servers. bit.listserv.valert-l Virus Alert - Urgent Virus Warnings bit.listserv.vector-l IBM 3090-VF vector facility topics bit.listserv.vfort-l VS FORTRAN discussion group bit.listserv.virus-l Computer viruses bit.listserv.vmxa-l Installation, operation, maintenance of VM/XA bit.listserv.wp50-l Word Perfect 5.0 bit.listserv.xcult-l International intercultural newsletter bit.listserv.xerox-l The Xerox Discussion List bit.listserv.xmailer Crosswell Mailer issues bit.listserv.x400-l X-400 mail topics bit.listserv.9370-l IBM 9370 family and VM/IS packaging system bit.netmonth Monthly newsletter bit.servers Lists of servers accessible via BITNET bit.test Simply for testing list.386users People using/interested in machines based on the 80386 list.ailist comp.ai.digest in digest format list.auto-sports Automobile sports list.big-lan Large network administration list.bind Berkeley name server discussions list.british-cars British Cars list.bug-g++ GNU C++ implementation problems list.bug-gcc GNU C implementation problems list.can-inet Canadian IP over X.25 experimental Internet list.ccnews list.clp Constraint Logic Programming list.cray-l Cray discussions. list.csli-cal Stanford CSLI Calendar and Newsletter list.distributed-ai Distributed Artificial Intelligence list.dtp list.egp-people EGP protocol for IP routing list.emacs-11 People interested in GNU Emacs running under X11 list.firearms Guns list.gated IP routing daemon list.hesiod Discussions on the MIT-Athena Hesiod name server list.humanist Human sciences discussions list.info-386ix About Interactive Systems' Unix System V port to the 80386 list.info-andrew About the Andrew Toolkit (BE2) list.info-andrew-bugs Bugs in the Andrew Toolkit list.info-appletalk AppleTalk and related protocols list.info-nets Questions about mail routing list.info-sendmail Berkeley sendmail discussions list.interviews the InterViews and InterViews-announce mailing lists list.linda-users About the Linda operators for parallel programming list.lispx X Windows and Lisp applications/toolkits/interfaces list.macsyma Macsyma symbolic algebra package list.maple Maple User Group mailing list list.market-l list.mh-users MH mail system users mailing list list.mh-workers MH mail system implementation/porting issues list.mush-users Mail Users Shell stuff list.namedroppers Discussions about the Internet Domain structure list.neuron Neural networks and connectionism (restricted) list.news-makers NeWS windowing system (same as comp.windows.news) list.nn About the nn newsreader list.nrcnet-l Canadian National Research Council Network list.ntp Network Time Protocol discussions list.ocean-policy On ocean policy, law of the sea etc. list.onet Ontario regional Internet. list.openbook Open Book Interactive Encyclopedia list.pc-token IBM PC Token Ring list.phys-l list.skeptics list.slug Symbolics Lisp Machine Users Group list.storm-l list.sun-managers Urgent questions for Sun workstation managers list.sun-nets About networks of Suns list.sun-spots Sun Workstation mailing lists (digest format) list.suns-at-home People running Sun systems at home list.sysadmin Administrators of large Unix computer systems list.texhax TeX mailing list list.texmag-l Bitnet TeX "magazine" list.tn3270 Discussion of the tn3270 emulation program for IBM3270 list.unix-sw list.unix-tex TeX under Unix. Swallowed by texhax. list.vision-list Vision Digest. list.x11-3d 3d extensions (PHIGS, PHIGS+) to the X Windows System list.xpc Implementation of X Windows on Personal Computers list.xvideo Video extensions to the X Windows System. list.test Testing for moderated newsgroups list.allegro-cl Discussion of Franz Inc. Allegro Common Lisp list.unitex United Nations headlines.
wcm@geac.com (W Christopher Martin) (01/07/90)
In article <90Jan6.091415est.2181@neat.cs.toronto.edu> lamy@cs.utoronto.ca (Jean-Francois Lamy) writes: >We could let the bit.* groups out (the volume is not that >high), but since we only feed torsqnt the other sites on campus that feed >local sites would have to accept and redistribute bit.* in the first place. We currently have a mail link with torsqnt. I'll contact them to see if some arrangement can be made for them to pass on these groups, assuming jarvis.csri.toronto.edu will feed them. >I've included the list of bit.* and list.* newsgroups at the end, so people >can make up their minds on how much interest there is (remember that leaking >bit.* is easy, and the list.* newsgroups would require thinking about it) Thanks for the list. Geac is definitely interested in obtaining as many of these groups as you are willing to distribute. As always, we'll pass them along to any site to which we currently feed news. >bdb@becker.UUCP (Bruce Becker) writes: > >> You can inject mailing lists directly into >> news yourself. Just subscribe to the list >> using a suitable alias, and in your "/usr/lib/aliases" > >Remember that the Internet and Bitnet traffic to the US still travel on a >single 56Kbps link (38.4Kbps for the Internet side) and that it is very >congested. Given that the articles are already making it up north, and until >which time we can swim in network bandwidth (not for the foreseeable future), >it makes more sense to get the articles from a source North of the border. That was exactly the reason I posted my original query. I had seen the recent announcement in comp.archives about the availabilty of the various Bitnet mailing lists, and had considered subscribing to several. I thought it was ridiculous to subscribe if the messages were already getting to Toronto, especially if someone was already gatewaying them into USENET-style newsgroups. Since I knew almost nothing about the bit.* and list.* hierarchies, I intentionally kept my query short to avoid spreading disinformation in case my assumptions about those groups were wrong. Jean-Francois has confirmed what I had guessed. >In particular, vm.utcs.utoronto.ca seems to get most of the Bitnet listserv >stuff on their own listserv, so that would be a preferred source for getting >bitnet lists (assuming we don't get the bit.listserv groups out). Assuming that jarvis.csri.toronto.edu and torsqnt agree to start exchanging the bit.* groups, it would be still advantageous to have a redundant link from the UofT to the outside world. Are there other UofT sites with external links (eg. utzoo) that would be willing to volunteer? wcm -- W. Christopher Martin wcm@geac.com or {uunet!jtsv16,utgpu,yunexus}!geac!wcm
henry@utzoo.uucp (Henry Spencer) (01/10/90)
In article <1990Jan7.032701.17438@geac.com> wcm@geac.com (W Christopher Martin) writes: >Assuming that jarvis.csri.toronto.edu and torsqnt agree to start >exchanging the bit.* groups, it would be still advantageous to have a >redundant link from the UofT to the outside world. Are there other >UofT sites with external links (eg. utzoo) that would be willing >to volunteer? I think the feed from utgpu to utzoo is actually giving us those groups, although they aren't in our active file and hence are getting bounced. I'll check into this. Provided volumes aren't horrendous, we have no objection to passing them on to the folks we feed. -- 1972: Saturn V #15 flight-ready| Henry Spencer at U of Toronto Zoology 1990: birds nesting in engines | uunet!attcan!utzoo!henry henry@zoo.toronto.edu