[rec.arts.startrek] News from the Trek office on tapes/discs

lawson@ssdvx2.mdcbbs.com (Jim Lawson) (02/15/91)

I recieved a letter from Richard Arnold "Star Trek Research Consultant" in
response to a letter I had written to him. Here is what it says:

I asked him about ST:TNG coming out on laserdisc.

"Columbia House is the only source currently of the new Star Trek series on
tape, and there are no laserdisc being made"-- 

"However, Paramount will more than likely start selling the new series on tape
a year from now, and they will be making laserdiscs as well when they do so."

I asked about ST:TNG soundtracks.

"There are no plans that we know of for further ST:TNG soundtracks, although
we are aware of a lot of interest in them. Try writing to the company that
released the previous tape, telling them of your interest in furthur tapes."

I then asked about plans for channel 13 (here in LA) broadcasting in stereo.

"Sorry, I haven't heard anything about Channel 13 broadcasting the new series
in stereo, but then I rarely watch Channel 13 (we watch the series here, uncut
and no commercials)"

I think he was razzing me a bit in that last line :-)

Jim Lawson				Opinions expressed here are my own !!
Address: Lawson@ssdvx2.mdcbbs.com

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Edited by Jim "The Big Dweeb" Griffith - the official scapegoat for r.a.s.i.
Email submissions to trek-info@dweeb.fx.com, and questions to