[rec.pets] Birds allergy question

rhg2@unix.cis.pittsburgh.edu (Rich Graham) (06/09/89)

I posted here (rec.pets) last week asking for advice in choosing
a bird.  Thanks to all the help I got, I found a green-cheeked 
(I think) conure that seems just right.

Unfortunately, it turns out my roomate's girlfriend is (allegedly)
allergic to birds.  So this week's question is: what can I do about
it?  Is there any way to keep the bird (ie keep him in one room, 
bathe him a lot...) that will neutralize his affect on the 
aforementioned girlfriend?  One pet store I went to mentioned some
kind of "anti-allergy" spray that is now available for dogs & cats 
and should be available for birds by the end of the summer.  Anyone
have details about this?

PS: he'll be on sale next week.

Richard H. Graham
University of Pittsburgh - CIS

mm@cloud9.Stratus.COM (Mike Mahler) (06/16/89)

	Sorry for the post to rec.birds, mistake on my behalf.

	How can you keep a dog from defecating on your lawn?
	Every day I have a pretty large gift on my front lawn
	(same EXACT spot every day) that this dog keep leaving.
	I'd like it to STOP asap.  What can I put on the grass
	to keep it away (beside a Great Dane)?
