(James M. Coleman) (10/02/90)
Please send replies to UN106153@WVNVMS.WVNET.EDU. I am using a friend's account. Hi, I am in the process of looking for another baby cockatiel for one which recently died. I first looked in back issues of _Bird_Talk_ for breeders in my area. I called some of the breeders/shops up and the price for a standard/ gray cockatiel ranged from $75.00 - $100.00. The breeders were located in Northern VA, WV, and Southern PA. The birds were hand-feed babies. Do these prices sound normal? My SO bought a hand-fed, speckled, lutino (sp?) cockatiel for $40.00 in Florida. I thought the grays would be less expensive. Sooooo, if anyone knows the norms for cockatiel pricing I would appreciate you sending me a message about it. Thank you Shane Saddler UN106153@WVNVMS.WVNET.EDU