[rec.humor] Radiation Hardening Chips

gregbill@cstowe.csoft.co.nz (Bill & Greg) (04/01/88)

HI there Y'all out in Netland,

     We (Commercial Software Ltd) are looking for information on
radiation hardening chips. This is because we are involved in the
SCONZ project (Space COmmunications New Zealand) and have been
asked by SCONZQUANGO to obtain information on hardening chips for
space radiation exposure.

     We have the technology to make the chips (using REALM (Rather Exotic
Advanced Lead Molding technology)) but are unsure of what we should
alloy the lead with to make it more resistent to radiation. We have
read about the techniques for Silicon Hardnening, but they don't really
apply in this case.

     We would appreciate any information on current research into lead
hardening for radioactive environments. It would also be
interesting to get any information on protection against EMP as we
would like the satellite to function after any Nuclear War (as we
would survive as no one could hit such a little place, Ahh - you say -
what about the Nuclear Winter -- well, we have a big thermal blanket
and sunlamp).

     What has this to do with a software company? Well, we have been
asked to set up SPUSENET (SPace transmitted USENET) to reduce the
costs of importing news from the US and AUS and we have access to the
net whilst no one else in the group has.

Thanx in Advance,

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Tonguesa Love from Greg and Bill and Zippy (or Bill and Greg and Zippy)