[rec.audio] Amp upgrading/modifying question

holdenm@thor.acc.stolaf.edu (Mark Holden) (04/11/89)

	I've got a Sunn Beta-Lead guitar amplifier that I'd like to upgrade,
hopefully to be quieter, and maybe better sounding.  It's preamp scection is
based around 8 1458/4558 op amps, which to my understanding are pretty generic,
general purpose, and not terribly impressive in either quietness or response.
Now, I believe that the TL082 (RS# 276-1715, $1.98) JFET op amp is a pin
compatable replacement that's both quieter, and has better response.  My
questions are these:
	1) Is this thing really compatable, or am I wrong? (the IC's in general
	are RC4558's and one 1458)
	2) will this make a noticeable difference? 
	3) since the amplifier has a builtin overdrive in the fasion of 
	gain/level per channel into master volume, will using FET op-amps
	change the overdriven sound much, I understand that FET stuff soft
	clips over a range, as opposed to others which hard-clip at a given
	point.  From a guitarist's perspective this would be good (more of a
	tube sound)
Any comments aybody?

Mark Holden  (holdenm@thor.acc.stolaf.edu)
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