[rec.audio] Nice project enclosures

mcintyre@cs.rpi.edu (David McIntyre) (06/30/89)

Can someone give me the names and addresses of some sources for nice
project enclosures?  

I am going to build a few little audio projects soon, but I want the
finished project to be as good looking as the commercial audio
products I have.

Radio Shack sells enclosures, but I really want a heavier-duty,
classier-looking case.

I am also willing to pay considerably more that what Radio Shack
cases cost.  I really want to make the final project nice.

			Thanks again,

Dave "mr question" McIntyre     |      "....say you're thinking about a plate
mcintyre@turing.cs.rpi.edu      |       of shrimp.....and someone says to 
office : 518-276-8633		|	you `plate,' or `shrimp'......"
home   : 518-271-6664		|