[rec.audio] CD Summary, Part 3

poggio@apple.com (Andy Poggio) (03/02/90)

CD Summary Part 3

First Level Error Correction

Data errors can arise from production defects in the disk itself, defects 
arising from subsequent damage to the disk, or jarring during reading.  A 
significant characteristic of  these errors is that they often occur in 
long bursts.  This could be due, for example, to a relatively wide mark on 
the disc that is opaque to the laser beam used to read the disc.  A system 
with two logical components called the Cross Interleave Reed-Solomon 
Coding (CIRC) is employed for error correction.  The cross interleave 
component breaks up the long error bursts into many short errors; the 
Reed-Solomon component provides the error correction.

As each frame is read from the disc, it is first decoded from fourteen 
channel bits (the three merging bits are ignored) into eight-bit data 
bytes.  Then, the bytes from each frame (twenty-four data bytes and eight 
error correction bytes) are passed to the first Reed-Solomon decoder which 
uses four of the error correction bytes and is able to correct one byte in 
error out of the 32.  If there are no uncorrectable errors, the data is 
simply passed along.  If there are errors, the data is marked as being in 
error at this stage of decoding.

The twenty-four data bytes and four remaining error correction bytes are 
then passed through unequal delays before going through another 
Reed-Solomon decoder.  These unequal delays result in an interleaving of 
the data that spreads long error bursts among many different passes 
through the second decoder.  The delays are such that error bursts up to 
450 bytes long can be completely corrected.  The second Reed-Solomon 
decoder uses the last four error correction bytes to correct any remaining 
errors in the twenty-four data bytes.  At this point, the data goes 
through a de-interleaving process to restore the correct byte order.

Subcoding Channels and Blocks

The eight-bit control and display byte in each frame carries the subcoding 
channels.  A subcoding block consists of 98 subcoding bytes, and thus 98 
of the 588-bit frames.  A block then can contain 2352 bytes of data.  
Seventy-five blocks are read each second.  With this information, it is 
now straightforward to calculate that the CD data rate is in fact correct 
for CD digital audio (CD-DA):

Required CD digital audio data rate:  44.1 K samples per second * 16 bits 
per sample * 2 channels = 1,411,200 bits/sec.

CD data rate:  8 bits per byte * 24 bytes per frame * 98 frames per 
subcoding block * 75 subcoding blocks per second = 1,411,200 bits/sec.

The eight subcoding channels are labeled P through W and are encoded one 
bit for each channel in a control and display byte.  Channel P is used as 
a simple music track separator.  Channel Q is used for control purposes 
and encodes information like track number, track type, and location 
(minute, second, and frame number).  During the lead-in track of the disc, 
channel Q encodes a table of contents for the disk giving track number and 
starting location.  Standards have been proposed that would use the 
remaining channels for line graphics and ASCII character strings, but 
these are seldom used.

Track Types

Tracks can have two types as specified in the control bit field of 
subchannel Q.  The first type is CD digital audio (CD-DA) tracks.  The 
two-channel audio is sampled at 44.1 Khz with sixteen bit linear sampling 
encoded as twos complement numbers.  The sixteen bit samples are separated 
into two eight-bit bytes; the bytes from each channel alternate on the 
disc.   Variations for audio tracks include pre-emphasis and four track 

The other type of track specified by the subchannel Q control bit field is 
the data track.  These must conform to the CD-ROM standard described 
below.  In general, a disc can have a mix of CD digital audio tracks and a 
CD-ROM track, but the CD-ROM track must come first.

Editorial:  This first level error correction (the only type used for CD 
Audio data) is extremely powerful.  The CD specification allows for discs 
to have up to 220 raw errors per second.  Every one of these errors is 
(almost always) perfectly corrected by the CIRC scheme for a net error 
rate of zero.  For example, our tests using Apple's CD-ROM drive (which 
also plays audio) show that raw error rates are around 50-100 per second 
these days.  Of course, these are perfectly corrected, meaning that the 
original data is perfectly recovered.  We have tested flawed discs with 
raw rates up to 300 per second.  Net errors on all of these discs?  Zero!  
I would expect a typical audio CD player to perform similarly.  Thus I 
expect this raw error rate to have no audible consequences.

So why did I say "almost always" corrected above?  Because a sufficiently 
bad flaw may produce uncorrectable errors.  These very unusual errors are 
"concealed" by the player rather than corrected.  Note that this 
concealment is likely to be less noticeable than even a single scratch on 
an LP.  Such a flaw might be a really opaque finger smudge; CDs do merit 
careful handling.  On the two (and only two) occasions I have found these, 
I simply sprayed on a little Windex glass cleaner and wiped it off using 
radial strokes.  This restored the CDs to zero net errors.

One can argue about the quality of the process of conversion of analog 
music to and from digital representation, but in the digital domain CDs 
are really very, very good.
