[rec.audio] Sleep function on reciever/amp

noble@hobbes.ncsu.edu (Patrick Brewer) (01/16/91)

In article <232@racsys2.UUCP> george@racsys2.UUCP (George Rachor Jr.) writes:
>I am looking for a reciever/amp with a sleep feature similar to most TV's.
>It should be remotly controlled.  Does anyone make an reciever like this?

	Philips makes a reciever with both remote control and a sleep feature.
I don't remember the model though. But I think has 70watts/chan and costs 
around 400-$500.

Patrick W. Brewer          President of CATT Program at NCSU 

dougm@okeeffe.Berkeley.EDU (Doug M) (01/17/91)

My JVC 950VBK receiver has a sleep function that can (only)
be invoked from the remote. It can be incremented in 10-minute
chunks, and the status is indicated on the front panel display.
I've had the receiver for a few years and I'm very pleased with it.
Despite my proximity to the Berkeley high-luminosity x-ray synchrotron
I've found telephone quad cable adequate, just to calibrate for
you my level of cupidity/gullibility (or sophistication, as you wish).

In conclusion, let me add "Thank God for Barry Ornitz and his fast vanishing
ilk and the equally f.v. education system that spawned them".

Is this off the subject?

doug maisel

bill@bilver.uucp (Bill Vermillion) (01/17/91)

In article <40424@ucbvax.BERKELEY.EDU> dougm@okeeffe.Berkeley.EDU.UUCP (Doug M) writes:
>In conclusion, let me add "Thank God for Barry Ornitz and his fast vanishing
>ilk and the equally f.v. education system that spawned them".
>Is this off the subject?

re "fast vanishing education system".

I do some computer consulting work at a local college.  One of the comments
lately was in regards to the technical schooling available today.

The consensus seemed to be that we still have one of the best educational
systems, but that more and more foreign students are coming to the US for
this education, and then going back to their home countries.   
Bill Vermillion - UUCP: uunet!tarpit!bilver!bill
                      : bill@bilver.UUCP

lstowell@pyrnova.pyramid.com (Lon Stowell) (01/18/91)

In article <232@racsys2.UUCP> george@racsys2.UUCP (George Rachor Jr.) writes:
>I am looking for a reciever/amp with a sleep feature similar to most TV's.
   You mean it puts you to sleep?