[rec.food.cooking] INFO: Review of "Recipe" Hypercard Stack

stoffel@dtoa3.dt.navy.mil (Stoffel) (06/11/91)

Hi troops,

As promised (threatened?), I was able to try out "RECIPE v1.0" by a
chap named Tom Morrison. It is available in the info-mac/card directory
at sumex-aim.stanford.edu []. It may also be available
elsewhere, sumex is the only place I've checked.

It is a hypercard stack set up to look like a spiral bound cookbook
with tabs for appetizer, soup, main, etc. Selecting one of these tabs
gives you another set of tabs specific to that topic. Each recipe has 2
pages with things like source, principal ingredients, nationality,
cooking time, number of servings, etc. on one page (great for doing a
panic search); and the detailed ingredients and instructions on the 2nd
page. It will let you paste from the clipboard, so entering a new
recipe on a new card is a piece of cake (pun intended) :-). It has some
other neat features like a card which will convert any measurement into
almost any imaginable equivalent. I only played with it for a couple
minutes, so I'm sure there are all kinds of other nifty stuff.

I strongly suggest anyone with a mac check this out. A couple warnings
tho', you'll need at least hypercard 2.0 and you'll have to pay Mr.
Morrison's "Foodware" fee (a copy of your best recipe).

I would also be happy to TRY to mail a copy. It's kinda large tho (150K
stuffed) and I'm not sure it would work.

Enjoy - Bill

P.S. The author can be reached at;

    Tom Morrison
    Department of Biology
    University of Utah
    SLC, Ut 84112
    (801) 581-3592

(I'll be in touch with him when I get my "fee" together)