[comp.sys.sun] Sun-Spots Digest, v6n260

Sun-Spots-Request@Rice.edu (William LeFebvre) (10/18/88)

SUN-SPOTS DIGEST         Friday, 14 October 1988      Volume 6 : Issue 260

Today's Topics:
           Re: Popping up an independent window in SunView (2)
                             Re: nd question
                   Re:  Changing Sunview default font?
                 Re: Voice Recognition Hardware/Software
                         4.0 version of "ofiles"
                            how to get kermit
                               SUNLINK DDN
                           ftpd under SunOS 4.0
            Sun OS 4.0 and Mt. Xinu NFS compatibility problems
            A question about repartitioning sun disk (OS 4.0) 

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Date:    Tue, 11 Oct 88 13:24:56 -0400
From:    mesard@bbn.com
Subject: Re: Popping up an independent window in SunView (1)

> I can't just call window_main_loop(), because if the program already
> has called window_main_loop() the notifier will barf with "Invalid
> argument" (whatever that means).

window_set(frame, WIN_SHOW, TRUE, 0);

void *Wayne_Mesard();         MESARD@BBN.COM         BBN, Cambridge, MA


Date:    Tue, 11 Oct 88 13:37:26 EDT
From:    Chuck Musciano <chuck@trantor.harris-atd.com>
Subject: Re: Popping up an independent window in SunView (2)

You can produce non-blocking windows by creating another frame underneath
your base frame with:

	window_create(base_frame, FRAME, ..., 0);

You can set the WIN_SHOW attribute to control whether the window is
displayed or not.  You MUST return to the notifier for the window (and the
rest of the window system) to become active.  You can attach a
FRAME_DONE_PROC to the window to track its destruction at some future
date.  You can try calling notify_dispatch() by hand in order to get the
window working, but that could be iffy when already within a notify proc.

You can, I believe, track back through the frame heirarchy by repeatedly
getting the WIN_OWNER of a window until this returns NULL.

I believe what you want is a non-blocking popup confirmer, which I believe
is impossible under SunView.

Chuck Musciano
Advanced Technology Department
Harris Corporation
(407) 727-6131
ARPA: chuck@trantor.harris-atd.com


Date:    Tue, 11 Oct 88 13:19:10 EDT
From:    Bennett Todd <bet@bent.mc.duke.edu>
Subject: Re: nd question

As far as I know, under SunOS 3.x there is no way to overlap use of the
disk between nd and normal partitions. You will have to repartition the
disk. If you don't go through the Sun supported self-abuse with their
setup script then you are going to have a piece of work. I just recently
did this to add diskless Suns to a machine that was installed standalone,
and I am glad I did, but I am still shaking out details of the
configuration. Here's how I went about it.  WARNING: the following
description is vague in places, because my memory is vague in places and I
don't have the discipline to keep a proper logbook. Don't try to follow
this unless you are really comfortable hacking system configuration files,
and make sure you have a good complete backup first. Expect several hours
downtime, and a day or so of hacking before the diskless clients work

First, I backed up the drive, and repartitioned it to make space for the
clients. You will need 2M for the root (actually it doesn't take quite
that much, but I like to have some extra room there) plus however much
swap you want, per machine. I started out installing 4 machines and I set
aside 40M, for 4*2M roots and 4*8M swaps. I didn't get away with it; with
only 8M of swap you can run SunOS+Suntools+nothing.  So I had to grow the
swaps (another repartitioning and rearrangement) to more like 20M. Now we
have a bounteous plenty. Now I made /etc/nd.local something like so:

version 1
# Roots -- 2M each, hand-cobbled up
user	bent	0	/dev/xy1e	0	4096	0
user	winken	0	/dev/xy1e	4096	4096	1
user	blinken	0	/dev/xy1e	8192	4096	2
user	nod	0	/dev/xy1e	12288	4096	3
user	pet	0	/dev/xy1e	16384	4096	4
user	editor	0	/dev/xy1e	20480	4096	5
# And swaps -- remainder/N long
user	bent	1	/dev/xy1e	 24576	43697	-1
user	winken	1	/dev/xy1e	 68273	43697	-1
user	blinken	1	/dev/xy1e	111970	43697	-1
user	nod	1	/dev/xy1e	155667	43697	-1
user	pet	1	/dev/xy1e	199364	43697	-1
user	editor	1	/dev/xy1e	243061	43697	-1

Note that I didn't take the Sun approach of specifying the nd locations
out in the middle of partition C and hoping I get it right.  I don't know
why Sun suggests that. I just started from an offset of 0 in the partition
which I reserved for nd activity.  Having edited nd.local and added the
machines to /etc/hosts and /etc/ethers you need to run "nd </etc/nd.local"
to tell the system to enable the nd partitions; I left the swaps unnamed
since I never need to refer to them on the server. I got this layout for
/etc/nd.local from Nate Hillery in the Duke Computer Science Department,
by the way.  Now you need to mkfs a filesystem on /dev/rndl0. That's the
server's name for the first nd root. I then went and executed some kind of
hilarious command[1] to fill the root with a set of symlinks to all the
files on a real root, assuming the real root is mounted on /pub. So rather
than having /bin/ed be a plain executable file, it is a symlink to
/pub/bin/ed. Then I went through and selectively pulled in the real files
in place of the symlinks for the following:

/boot		/etc/mount	/etc/utmp	/etc/dumpables
/vmunix		/etc/networks	/etc/fsck	/etc/takedump
/bin/sh		/etc/passwd	/etc/motd	/etc/gateways
/bin/sync	/etc/rc		/etc/halt	/dev/MAKEDEV
/etc/ethers	/etc/rc.boot	/etc/state	/stand/copy
/etc/fstab	/etc/rc.local	/etc/umount	/stand/diag
/etc/hosts	/etc/ttys	/etc/remote	/.profile
/etc/init	/etc/mtab	/etc/rmtab	/.rhosts

There's some flab and waste in there, but not too much. Next I stuck
/usr/mdec/bootnd on the front of the filesystem (see the script
/usr/mdec/installboot), made a symlink from /tftpboot/ndboot.sun3.private
to a file whose name is the IP address of the client, in hex, with capitol
letters and leading zeros -- an 8 character long string in [0-9A-F]. Now I
tried to boot it. It didn't work. After several cycles I discovered that I
needed to rearrange /etc/rc.boot slightly to make sure that server:/ was
mounted on /pub whenever it tried to do anything. Then I hacked on /etc/rc
and /etc/rc.local to adjust what daemons were running (you don't want N
copies on different machines of the print spooler or sendmail running the
queue, I don't think). Once I got it to where it would boot O.K. I dd-ed
the new root onto the other clients' root partitions, changed the hostname
in /etc/rc.boot for each of them, added links in /tftpboot, and away we
ran. There are lots of little details to get right; when hacking the
/etc/rc* files remember that (for example) if, as I do, you have a /tmp
filesystem and nfs mount it to everyone, you won't want it cleared every
time a client boots. And yes, I know that it is dangerous having everybody
share /tmp, but it seemed the simplest way to give everybody plenty of
tmp, and the odds of two folks running the same command at the same time
on two different machines *with the same pid* are much less that a lot of
other things that go wrong all the time:-).

There's still some more I'm going to do. I want to try having /etc/passwd,
/etc/hosts, /etc/ethers, and all the other files that should be identical
from machine to machine and are used both in booting and after bootup live
in /pub/etc. What I hope to do is make /pub/etc in the directory under the
mount point, and put dwarf versions of the databases there, just
sufficient to boot. After the system gets up /pub will be on top of them
and the symlinks will go to the main copy on the server. I don't know if I
can pull this off, however. It's on the to-do list.

[1] Silly command time. I forget the details, but it was something
along the lines of

	% mount /dev/ndl0 /mnt
	% sh
	$ find / -xdev -type d -print | while read dirname
	> do
	>	mkdir /mnt$f
	> done
	$ find / -xdev -type f -print | while read filename
	> do
	>	ln -s /pub$f /mnt$f
	> done

Like I said. Ain't Bourne shell great?



Date:    Tue, 11 Oct 88 14:03:56 EDT
From:    Chuck Musciano <chuck@trantor.harris-atd.com>
Subject: Re:  Changing Sunview default font?

> I can't seem to change the default font the
> way described in any of the manuals (i.e. using WIN_FONT in window_create,
> or calling the pf_default() routine).

     From page 332 of the SunView Programmer's Manual (3.4):

	WIN_FONT	The window's font.  Notes for the current release:
			tty subwindows don't use WIN_FONT.  Frames don't
			use WIN_FONT to render their labels; however, they
			do use WIN_FONT in calculating WIN_COLUMNS and
			WIN_ROWS.  Setting WIN_FONT does not cause the default
			system font to be set.

I use PANEL_LABEL_FONT and PANEL_VALUE_FONT when I create a panel to set
the default for that panel.

pf_default() returns the current default font; it does not set it.  You
can also set the environment variable DEFAULT_FONT or use defaultsedit(1)
to set the font that pf_default() retrieves.  Read page 30 of the pixrect

Documentation!  Ain't it grand!

Chuck Musciano
Advanced Technology Department
Harris Corporation
(407) 727-6131
ARPA: chuck@trantor.harris-atd.com


Date:    Tue, 11 Oct 88 08:49:22 PDT
From:    janicep%paisley@sun.com (Janice Peterson)
Subject: Re: Voice Recognition Hardware/Software

There is a companay in Tarzana, CA called Speech Systems Inc, that has a
product that runs on Sun 3s (last I heard).  I worked there a couple of
years ago, and they have a very good product based on phonetic
recognition.  The phone number is 818-881-0885.

Janice Peterson
TOPS Tech Support


Date:    Mon, 5 Sep 88 14:58:15 BST
From:    Gary Nebbett <mcvax!stl.stc.co.uk!grn@uunet.uu.net>
Subject: 4.0 version of "ofiles"

I have taken up Alexander Dupuy's challenge to port ofiles to SunOS 4.0.
As Alex said in his previous posting, ofiles does everything that find-fs
does plus a whole lot more. Apart from the use of the kvm library, the
major change in this port is the listing of all vnodes which have been
mapped into the address space (effectively the replacement for the text

	Gary Nebbett           STL, London Road, Harlow, Essex  CM17 9NA, UK
grn@stl.stc.co.uk <or> ...uunet!mcvax!ukc!stl!grn <or> PSI%234237100122::GRN

[[ The shar file, 33557 bytes long, has been placed in the archives under
"sun-source" as "ofiles4.0.shar".  It can be retrieved via anonymous FTP
from the host "titan.rice.edu" or via the archive server.  For more
information about the archive server, send a mail message containing the
word "help" to the address "archive-server@rice.edu".  --wnl ]]


Date:    Tue, 11 Oct 88 14:20:52 PDT
From:    lear@net.bio.net (Eliot Lear)
Subject: how to get kermit

I had no problems getting the latest version of kermit going on 4.0.

Kermit is available via anonymous FTP on Internet site
cu20b.cc.columbia.edu [] and via anonymous UUCP from OK

The following is taken from ckc40.ann, which is an old info-kermit digest
in disguise:

-- Begin bits and pieces of ckc40.ann --

The files are on CU20B as KER:CK*.*, available via anonymous FTP.  The file
CKERMI.DOC provides user-level documentation as well as a description of the
program organization and hints for adapting it to new systems.  Within several
days the files should also be available on BITNET via KERMSRV (to get started
with KERMSRV, type SMSG RSCS MSG CUVMA KERMSRV HELP), and to Unix systems via
UUCP from Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Here's how to UUCP to OK State:

You need to set up "okstate" as a site in your "L.sys" UUCP dialing file
using the information listed below.  You can then issue the following 
command on your system:

        uucp okstate\!/u/kermit/ck\* /usr/spool/uucppublic

   (this example will retrieve the new Unix version of Kermit)

The "/usr/spool/uucppublic" is chosen as the destination on your system since
the destination must be WIDE OPEN (drwxrwxrwx) to everyone.  You should
not remove files from your uucppublic until the entire transfer is complete
including any redials that are necessary.  If you do remove some files
our system may retransmit them, resulting in a higher phone bill for you. 

-- UUCP Login information --

Site Name    :  okstate
Phone number :  (405) 624-6953  (one line only)
Login name   :  uucpker
Password     :  thefrog
Hours        :  10:00pm - 10:00am central time (7 day per week)
Problem      :  okstate!uucp-support  (UUCP)

The phone number is for 300/1200 baud (bell compatible).

-- end bits and pieces --

I would direct further questions to Info-Kermit.


Date:    Tue, 11 Oct 88 09:52:51 MDT
From:    wrl@ford-cos2.arpa (Bill Lewandowski)

I am working on a project where we would like to use SUN 3/60's and
3/280's with the MCP card and SUNLINK DDN to connect to the Milnet at X.25
and 56Kbps.

QUESTION: Has anyone ever done this and had any problems with the Milnet
connection ?

It should all work but then doesn't everything work on paper?

Any horror stories or good stories would be appreciated

Bill Lewandowski
Ford Aerospace Corporation
Colorado Springs Division


(719)_ 594-1899


Date:    Tue, 11 Oct 88 14:45:59 CDT
From:    david@wubios.wustl.edu (David J. Camp)
Subject: ftpd under SunOS 4.0

Sun called back about the problem I reported earlier regarding remote ftp
to my Sun 3/260 running SunOS 4.0.  In the mean time we had fiddled with
something (I am not sure what) and made it possible for normal users to do
ftp.  The problem with anonymous ftp, however, is said to be a genuine
system bug.  It is due to the fact that 'ls' is dynamically linked, and
hence must have access to libraries at run-time.  Since anonymous ftp does
chroot, these libraries were not available and ls failed.  It turned out
that we were able to do file transfers all along, but just had not tried
it.  My temporary solution has been to write a dumb replacement for ls so
that remote users can get a directory listing.  I may try to make copies
of the requisite libraries under the ftp directory so that the 'real' ls
will work.  Sun said they have upped the priority of this fix because of
the complaint(s), and will be sending out upgrades, at least to those who
have complained.  -David-

[[ Their "fix" will likely be either a statically linked version of "ls"
or the "ls" executable off of 3.x.  And functionally there isn't much
difference.  --wnl ]]

(314) 362-3635                     Mr. David J. Camp
Room 1108D                ^        Box 8067, Biostatistics
706 South Euclid        < * >      Washington University Medical School
                          v        660 South Euclid
Bitnet: david@wubios.wustl         Saint Louis, MO 63110
Internet: david%wubios@wucs1.wustl.edu   uucp: uunet!wucs1!wubios!david


Date:    Tue, 11 Oct 88 11:21:53 EDT
From:    ekrell@ulysses.att.com
Subject: Sun OS 4.0 and Mt. Xinu NFS compatibility problems

We are running 4.3 BSD from Mt Xinu (with NFS) on a Vax 8650 and 3.x on a
number of Sun 3s. We cross mount the Vax and the Suns and everything was
working OK until we upgraded one Sun to 4.0.  I can mount the Vax file
system from that Sun, but any attempt to access files on the Vax hangs.

If I mount the Sun's file systems on the Vax, I can access the files but
the Vax crashed after a while (when I tried to write a file on the Sun).

Has anyone else seen this?


Date:    11 Oct 88 14:07:55 EDT (Tue)
From:    encore!cloud9!fmbutt@talcott.harvard.edu (Farooq Butt)
Subject: A question about repartitioning sun disk (OS 4.0) 

I have worked extensively with Sun OS 3.X but life has not been very much
fun dealing with OS 4.0. 

The problem goes like this: I am attempting to change the swap partion
size on my SCSI disk; I try to use suninstall to do this and it fails when
it tries to label my disk.  So I go back to the manual and see that in
order to change the swap / root partitions on sd0 I must use the "format"
program.  I try to do this....unsuccessfully getting all sorts of starange
messages from suninstall again (before it crashes).  Am I labelling the
disk in an improper manner (this is what I suspect) ?  The "label" command
I am using is the one on the "partition" submenu...  is this a brain
damaged thing to do ? Why does suninstall let you change the swap size on
the disk worksheet when in reality it has no intention of letting you
ACTUALLY change it....? 

Any answers will be greatly appreciated.

Farooq Butt 


End of SUN-Spots Digest