(De Clarke x2630) (11/23/88)
Organization: UCO/Lick Observatory, UCSC, Santa Cruz, CA 95064 USA The question before us, as we contemplate acquisition of our sixth and seventh Sun 3/50-ME-4, is 'to maintain or not to maintain?'. Has anyone out there had conclusive experience of the failure rate of 3/50's in a normal office environment (no a/c, isolation-txformer-type power conditioning)? Needless to say Sun's next-day maintenance is rather costly and we will forgo it if the marketplace says that 3/50's are super-reliable. Actually, a mass survey of the reliability of various Sun products might be in order, I'm sure I'm not the only one who's interested! voice: 408-429-2630 fax: 408-429-2730 email: root@portal.bitnet