(De Clarke x2630) (11/23/88)
Organization: UCO/Lick Observatory, UCSC, Santa Cruz, CA 95064 USA My engineering shop is moving from AT's to Suns (hoorah!). They have a FEA package running on an AT, used daily, cost them $500 (with edu discount); they'd like to run FEA on the Sun instead, for obvious reasons of speed and model size, but their pet vendor said a license for the Sun package would be $20,000 list, $10,000 to us. They cried a lot. Does anyone know what's available in the FEA line for Sun 4 / Sun 3, and what one expects to pay for a modest mech-engineering type FEA package? Is $20,000 really industry-average? Are there any PD products from the techie schools? Thanks -- better mail to me directly as this is kind of special-interest. voice: 408-429-2630 fax: 408-429-2730 email: root@portal.bitnet