[comp.sys.sun] gammontool

ian@dgp.toronto.edu (Ian S. Small) (11/23/88)

After a couple of comments in a recent Sun-Spots regarding the potentially
dishonourable conduct of gammontool, I decided to spend some (very small
amount of) time examining the source.

Based on ten minutes investigation, I can report to all the frustrated
gammontool users out in netland that it does not appear that gammontool
cheats.  This is based on the observation that the die rolls (generated
with the incantation "random() % 6 + 1") are displayed on the screen
before they are sent to the strategy modules for determining where the
computer should move.  Therefore, unless the die rolls change on the
screen while you watch, it seems unlikely that the computer is cheating by
modifying or influencing the die rolls.

It just seems that computers are *very* lucky sometimes...

Ian S. Small                      Dynamic Graphics Project
				  Computer Systems Research Institute
				  University of Toronto
(416) 978-6619			  Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A4

BITNET:		ian@dgp.utoronto
EAN:		ian@dgp.toronto.cdn
UUCP/CSNET:	ian@dgp.toronto.edu