[comp.sys.sun] ALM-2 patches

root@helios.ucsc.edu (De Clarke x2630) (12/03/88)

About the ALM-2 patches:  

The story on ttya and ttyb (broken by the patches that fixed the ALM-2 for
(I think) every malfunction described thus far in sun-spots) is a bit more
complex than we thought at first.  An HP VT-alike that worked OK pre-patch
no longer worked post-patch.  So in that sense, something was broken.
However, a GraphOn GO-140 which was swapped in for other reasons *does*
handshake properly on ttya:  ctrl-s ctrl-q work, 'more' works etc.  So the
brokenness is terminal-specific in some way.  Yippee.


voice: 408-429-2630	fax: 408-429-2730	email: root@helios.ucsc.edu