[comp.sys.sun] Halting Sun with a shell script for dumps

rodgers@maxwell.mmwb.ucsf.edu (Richard Rodgers) (12/03/88)

>  Is there anyway to perform the following steps in a shell script from
>  crontab on a Sun 3/280s file server... 

I don't know of any way to do what you want to do without an intermediary
control file.  We have written a rather complex sh script for automating
dumps which does what you appear to want to do (as well as quite a bit
more, including handling of pre-release 4.0 NFS dumps); it is available as
part of the "System Manager's Toolkit" from the Berkeley Campus Software
Office contact Claire Ledonne (ledonne@biolet.berkeley.edu) for more
information.  Good Luck!

R. P. C. Rodgers, M.D.                  Telephone:
Statistical Mechanics of Biomolecules   (415)476-8910 (work)
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry  (415)664-0560 (home)
University of California, Box 1204      E-mail:
Laurel Heights Campus, Room 102         ARPA:   rodgers@cca.ucsf.edu
3333 California St.                             rodgers@maxwell.mmwb.ucsf.edu
San Francisco CA 94118                  BITNET: rodgers@ucsfcca
USA                                     UUCP: