[comp.sys.sun] Slot for Versatec?

eap@bu-it.bu.edu (Eric A. Pearce) (12/10/88)

I recently transferred this board from a 3/160 to a 4/280, but I can't
find any mention of it in the slot assignment manuals.  The docs for board
mention putting it "above slot 7", but they are only talking Sun3's as far
as I can tell. Sun was rather unhelpful when I tried to call them with
this question.

Anybody know the "ideal" slot for it?  

The card:

    "vpc - Systech VPC-2200 Versatec printer/plotter and Centron-
     ics printer interface"

This is how it is at the moment:

 	slot	board
 	1	cpu
 	2	2nd 8 meg board
 	3	3rd 8 meg board
 	4	4th 8 meg board
 	5	empty at moment (ie1 going in soon)
 	6	1st 8 meg board
 	7	Xylogics 451 SMD 
 	8	current position of vpc
 	9	empty
	10	empty
	11	                 \ (takes up 2 slots)
	12	Systec MTI ALM-1 / 

 Eric Pearce
 Boston University Info-Tech
 111 Cummington Street 
 Boston, MA 02215