(Teresa Kloss) (12/12/88)
Ever since the release of 4.0 we have experienced several system panics. The error message looks something like this: panic: dirremove or panic: direnter Sun's response to this problem was as follows: >Writing to an NFS mounted file system through PCNFS may cause a panic. >This occurs when an application running on the PC trys to clean house >on the remote file system. > >This should occur only when attempting to remove a directory with a NU >(0 length) name. (empty directory) > >The bug# is 1015159 and they will not fix it until 4.1... We then experimented by creating and removing empty (and full) directories on NFS mounted file system from a PC and guess what? The system did NOT crash. Has anyone else expierienced these panics? If so, were you able to correct i Does anyone have any ideas as to why this is happening? Does anyone know of any programs on the PC which may be calling rmdir (especially since our users say they were not executing rmdir at the time of the crash)? We have over 30 PC's with NFS mounted file systems. Needless to say, it is a necessity that we find a way around this problem immediately. Since their first reply, Sun HAS committed to fixing the bug BEFORE 4.1 but that could ta months and we need an answer NOW!!!