***** CALL FOR PAPERS AND PARTICIPATION ***** 28th Annual Technical Symposium of the Washington, D.C. Chapter of the ACM INTERFACES: Systems and People Working Together National Institute of Standards and Technology Gaithersburg, Maryland - August 24, 1989 No computer is an island. Increasingly, systems are being tied together to improve their value to the organizations they serve. This symposium will explore the theoretical and practical issues in interfacing systems and in enabling people to use them effectively. *** SOME TOPICS OF INTEREST FOR SUBMITTED PAPERS *** * HUMAN FACTORS * User interfaces Meeting the needs of handicapped users Conquering complexity Designing systems for people Intelligent assistants The human dimension of information interchange * SYSTEMS INTEGRATION * Communications networks Distributed databases Data standardization System fault tolerance Communications standards (e.g. GOSIP) * STRATEGIC SYSTEMS * Decision support systems Embedding expert systems in information systems Strategic info systems Computer Aided Logistics Support (CALS) * SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT AND OPERATION * Quality control and testing Designing a system of systems System management Conversion and implementation strategies Software tools and CASE Identifying requirements thru prototyping * ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES FOR APPLICATIONS PORTABILITY * Ada Database management Open software Open protocol technology Operating systems (e.g., POSIX) ==> DON'T BE LIMITED BY OUR SUGGESTIONS - MAKE YOUR OWN! Both experienced and first-time authors are encouraged to present their work. Papers will be refereed. A length of 10 to 20 double-spaced pages is suggested. Those presenting a paper are entitled to register for the symposium at the early advance registration rate. To propose special sessions or noncommercial demonstrations, please send three copies of an extended abstract to the Program Chairman at the address below. Note: A paper must include the name, mailing address, and telephone number of each author or other presenter. Authors of accepted papers must transfer copyright to ACM for material published in the Proceedings (excepting papers that cannot be copyrighted under Government regulations). The ACM policy on prior publication was revised in 1987. A complete statement of the policy appears in the November 1987 issue of Communications of the ACM. In part it states that "republication of a paper, possibly revised, that has been disseminated via a proceedings or newsletter is permitted if the editor of the journal to which it has been submitted judges that there is significant additional benefit to be gained from republication." *** SCHEDULE *** March 2, 1989 Please send five copies of your paper to the Program Chairman: Dr. Milton S. Hess American Management Systems, Inc. 1525 Wilson Boulevard Arlington, VA 22209 April 13, 1989 Acceptance notification June 22, 1989 Final camera ready papers are due August 24, 1989 Presentation at the symposium If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact: Symposium General Chairman: Charles E. Youman, The MITRE Corporation, (703) 883-6349 (voice), (703) 883-6308 (FAX), or (internet). Program Chairman: Dr. Milton Hess, American Management Systems, Inc., (703) 841-5942 (voice) or (703) 841-7045 (FAX). NIST Liaison: Ms. Elizabeth Lennon, National Institute of Standards and Technology (formerly the National Bureau of Standards), (301) 975-2832 (voice) or (301) 948-1784 (FAX).