dan@ames.arc.nasa.gov (Dan Peterka) (01/12/89)
I would like some pointers on how one goes about connecting printers to Sun 3's. I have had nothing but headaches when trying to connect a HP ThinkJet to my Sun 3/50 running SunOS4.0 - maybe I'm missing something. My setup is as follows: PRINTER SETUP: HP2225 ThinkJet (parallel) connected to a parallel->serial converter, then to ttyb. The converter is set for software handshaking, 8 bits, no parity. PRINTCAP ENTRY: #Printcap entry for an HP 2225 Thinkjet printer connected to a Sun serial #port (ttyb in this case) via a serial->parallel converter box which supports # tj2|thinkjet2|HP ThinkJet 2225 Inkjet Printer:\ :lp=/dev/ttyb:\ :mx#0:pl#66:pw#80:\ :sd=/var/spool/thinkjet2:\ :lf=/var/spool/thinkjet2/errors:\ :br#9600:\ :of=/usr/lib/lpf:\ :ms=-parenb,cs8,-tabs,-nl,tandem,-crtscts:\ :tr=\EE:\ :af=/usr/adm/tj2-acct:sh: PROBLEM1: Specifying the /usr/lib/lpf output filter causes all escape characters to be stripped. This disables any use of special printer features. Removing the 'of' field results in some amount of the last piece of the file to not print - as if the final buffer full of data is not being flushed to the printer. The 'ms' entry configures the tty port for 8 bits, noparity, tab expansion, no newline conversion, enable XON/XOFF and disable RTS/CTS handshaking. What I want to happen, is to be able to send any and all characters to the printer without losing the tail end. It seems that /usr/lib/lpf is screwing me up but I can't find any info on how it works (pointers to documentation???). PROBLEM2: I have also had no end of trouble with various parallel->serial converter boxes which do not support xon/xoff. Have people hooked printers up with any form of hardware handshaking and how do you go about it? Dan Peterka S-Cubed dan@scubed.com PO Box 1620 (619) 587-8444 La Jolla, CA 92038