[comp.sys.sun] Can someone please help me with setting up mail

sokolov%media-lab.media.mit.edu@eddie.mit.edu (Michael Sokolov) (01/03/89)

fuhrman@b.coe.wvu.wvnet.edu (Cris Fuhrman) writes:
>How do I set up the mail so that any user can get any mail from any sun?

I have exactly the same set-up on my lab's suns; shared /usr/spool/mail
directory; actually /usr/spool/mail is in /private (in the / partition) on
our machines, so I've had to specifically mount the server's
/private/usr/spool/mail on each node's /usr/spool/mail directory.

But in any case, I had the same problem with "nobody" ending up owning the
spool files. This is caused by the mailer on one of the client machines
attempting to write into the host's spool directory: the mailer (which
runs as nobody) doesn't have permission to "chown" the spool files on
another machine. My solution has been to require that all mail be
delivered to the server. Everybody has a .forward file which allows for
this. It sounds like you might have tried to do this via /usr/lib/aliases;
I'm not sure why that didn't work, but your problem is definitely caused
by the clients doing the delivery... 

chris@gargoyle.uchicago.edu (Chris Johnston) (01/14/89)

lrj@helios.tn.cornell.edu writes:
>Simply go through your sendmail.cf (after making a backup copy!) and
>change instances of $#local to be $#tcp$@$A.

Depends which sendmail.cf you start with, in the one distributed by Sun
the TCP mailer is called "ether" not "tcp".

>                             You may also want to define the hostname in
>your clients' sendmail.cf to be the name of the server, so it looks like
>ALL mail originating from your network is coming from the server.

CAREFUL! Watch out for the "I refuse to talk to myself" trap! Do not set
$j to be the same on any two hosts ($j is the string by which sendmail
identifies itself in SMTP conversations with other mail forwarding
agents).  Any attempt to set $w (set by sendmail to what /bin/hostname
gives) is a bad idea too.

In the Sun sendmail.cf $j is set by lines like:

# my official hostname

... leave that alone - or at least make sure $w is in the string somewhere
to make the string unique.

The way I do it is set the "from" address is in the sender ruleset for
each mailer as in the following extract from my hacked Sun sendmail.cf:

Mether,	P=[IPC], F=msDFMuCX, S=11, R=21, A=IPC $h
R$*<@$+>$*		$@$1<@$2>$3			already ok
# bwhittak -- give our servername in place of our hostname
#R$+			$@$1<@$w>			tack on our hostname
R$+			$@$1<@$A>			tack on our servername

Brian Whittaker, Prime Computervision, Amersham, HP7 0PX, UK
bwhittak@uk.co.cv.edg                  +44 494 714771 x 304