[comp.sys.sun] Publisher vs. FrameMaker

chuck@trantor.harris-atd.com (Chuck Musciano) (12/03/88)

> Now, can anyone tell me whether we should have bought
> FrameMaker instead, what it does that we can't now do, and what it costs?

After all my postings about Frame, I should make clear that I don't work
for Frame, but I do like their product.

I found Publisher to be a backwards step from Frame.  First, it failed
Musciano's Law of New Software: I sat down without the manual and tried to
do something productive.  I got nowhere.  I couldn't figure out how to
create a simple document.  With Frame, I did all sorts of things,
multi-column documents, line art, different text flows, and never picked
up the manual.  Strike One against Publisher.

Publisher is not a WYSISYG package.  It is a compose/preview package.
This is completely unacceptable in my book.  I find it annoying to
continuously move back and forth between compose and preview windows to
check my work.  Frame is true WYSIWYG, and has good response to even
complex document modifications.  Strike Two.

The user interface is poor.  Commands which do one thing in the compose
window do another in the preview window.  For example, I seem to recall
that in compose, you used ^H, ^J, ^K, and ^L to move around (which is bad
enough) but in preview you used B, F, P, and N (backwards, forwards,
previous, and next).  I don't want to learn two tools in one!  I found the
Frame interface intuitive, with a nice balance of menus for novices and
keyboard commands for experts.  Strike Three.

The drawing programs are separate tools.  Again, I don't want to learn N
tools, I want to learn one.  Frame is fully integrated, except for table
of contents and index generation (which bothers me, but is outweighed by
other features).  Strike Four.

Overall, Publisher seems targetted to people who know TeX.  Why do you
want to hang on to old technology when all this wonderful new stuff is
coming out?  Do you really care what the internal representation of your
document is?  What does it matter if it is TeX, PostScript, or C/A/T?  I
can insert PostScript into my Frame documents (and do occasionally) to
accomplish the few things that Frame cannot.

Frame is, I believe, $995/station at educational rates.  With the floating
license server, you can actually get away with much less.  For example,
suppose, you have 15 stations, but actual use of Maker is about four
simultaneous users.  Just buy four licenses, and share them among the 15
Suns.  The license server idea is one which needs to be picked up by other

Finally, why don't you just check it out for yourself?  Send a 1/4" tape
to Frame, and they'll send you a demo copy.  Call 1-408-433-3311 for more

Chuck Musciano
Advanced Technology Department
Harris Corporation
(407) 727-6131
ARPA: chuck@trantor.harris-atd.com

bernhold@orange.qtp.ufl.edu (David E. Bernholdt) (12/15/88)

I have never used Frame, but our Project has been using Publisher for well
over a year now.  I'm afraid the Chuck Musciano has presented a somewhat
lopsided view of the Publisher software.  I don't want to start a net-wide
argument, but I do want to address some of the comments that were made:

chuck@trantor.harris-atd.com (Chuck Musciano) writes: (edited for brevity)
>X-Sun-Spots-Digest: Volume 7, Issue 34, message 7 of 12
>I found Publisher to be a backwards step from Frame.  First, it failed
>Musciano's Law of New Software: I sat down without the manual and tried to
>do something productive.  I got nowhere.

I too sat down with Publisher without the manual and had little problem
getting things done.  I guess different people "adapt" to new things
differently.  Most of our users (> 60) haven't looked at the manuals.

>Publisher is not a WYSISYG package.  It is a compose/preview package.

The present version of Publisher is very nearly WYSIWYG (admittedly
previous versions of Publisher were not as good in this regard).  It has a
special table editor and a special equation editor to simplify putting in
those kinds of objects, but everything shows up in the edit window pretty
much like its going to look in the final document.  I find that you really
only have to preview just before printing to check all of the formatting.

>The user interface is poor.  Commands which do one thing in the compose
>window do another in the preview window.  For example, I seem to recall
>that in compose, you used ^H, ^J, ^K, and ^L to move around (which is bad
>enough) but in preview you used B, F, P, and N (backwards, forwards,
>previous, and next).  I don't want to learn two tools in one!

In all of the versions of Publisher we've had, from the beta release to
the present one, this has *not* been true.  The editor is modeled after
EMACS as far as key assignments go, but the key, mouse, and all other
definitions are fully configurable by the user if desired.  If you don't
like ^P, ^N, ^F, & ^B you can change them.

>The drawing programs are separate tools.  Again, I don't want to learn N
>tools, I want to learn one.

Does it really matter if the tools are distinct executables or not?
Certainly there will be different "command" structures for creating
graphics, etc. - are they easier to learn because you don't have to bring
up a separate tool to use them?

>Overall, Publisher seems targetted to people who know TeX.

That may have been true to *some* extent at the start, but it isn't any
longer.  Publisher makes use of TeX and SGML, but you don't have to know
either to use it.  Publisher also has the advantage of being able to
import and export TeX, LaTeX, and SGML format documents for compatibility
with other systems.  This is very useful when, for example, you an a
collaborator (who uses LaTeX, say) can both work on a paper easily.
Publisher also accepts TeX input, so that if you have something unusual to
do & know how to do it in TeX, you can do it.

>I can insert PostScript into my Frame documents (and do occasionally) to
>accomplish the few things that Frame cannot.

You can do this in Publisher as well; also Sun bitmaps, TeX code, and
PubPaint, and PubDraw objects.

>Frame is, I believe, $995/station at educational rates.  With the floating
>license server, you can actually get away with much less.  For example,
>suppose, you have 15 stations, but actual use of Maker is about four
>simultaneous users.  Just buy four licenses, and share them among the 15
>Suns.  The license server idea is one which needs to be picked up by other

nI do not know what the Publisher costs, but we have it licensed for half
of our 60 workstations - we tend to have a lot of people writing papers.
This sounds pretty much like Frame's license server to me.

When we were choosing a desktop publishing package, one of the important
considerations for our Project was the ease of entering equations.  AT THE
TIME, Publisher was the only package we found that had a "reasonable"
method for entering equations.  Things may have changed now, but it
remains an important consideration to us.

Arbortex, who produce Publisher, have been very responsive to us - both in
answering (sometimes stupid) questions, as well as fixing any problems we
might encounter.  They have also been very responsive to
requests/suggestions for additional features.  They are really interested
in the needs of their customers.

I'm quite sure that Arbortext would also be glad to answer questions or
send a demo.  They can be reached at (313) 996 3566 or FAX (313) 996 3573.

DISCLAIMER:  I have no connection with Arbortext (who produce the
Publisher) other than having used their software for > 1 year now.

David Bernholdt			bernhold@qtp.ufl.edu
Quantum Theory Project		bernhold@ufpine.bitnet
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL  32611		904/392 9306

Kent_Wada@mtsg.ubc.ca (12/15/88)

I would like to address the points made in v7n34 by
<chuck@trantor.harris-atd.com> on the Publisher vs. Frame Maker question,
and in the original item by <root@helios.ucsc.edu> in v7n20. Mr.
Musciano's comments were clearly made in accordance with a set of criteria
which he uses to judge how effective a given product will be for the type
of work he does. That is of course how we all function, but I think that
what is not reflected in his item is the recognition that there is an
astonishingly diverse set of text processing applications, needs, and
requirements on this planet, and that no one product is going to solve all
the problems effectively, let alone optimally. I like Publisher because it
suits the types of work I do, and because I believe in the basis upon
which it was built; but for Heaven's sake if PC-WRITE produces results
that are satisfactory in terms of time spent, effort involved, and results
produced, use it!

An observation about the points Mr. Musciano raises: many of them
transcend product-specific issues. Publisher and Frame Maker just happen
to embody many of the qualities that people argue about...  like `WYSIWYG
or not.'

>Do you really care what the internal representation of your
>document is?  What does it matter if it is TeX, PostScript, or C/A/T?

On to the specifics. The simple answer to Mr. Musciano's first question
above is `yes'. Not perhaps that it uses PostScript, or TeX, or SGML as
its underlying paradigm, but that it follows a philosophy of adhering to
standards--ISO, ANSI, de facto, whatever--as far as possible. In this
context, it means that authors are able to share documents, and all that
that implies. If co-authoring or otherwise sharing documents in
geographically and/or electronically disparate environments is not a
requirement, this may not be as much of a concern. There are, however,
many people to whom this is very important. I might add that this is one
the reasons the use of TeX has become so widespread (in the domains for
which it was designed).

>Publisher is not a WYSISYG package.  It is a compose/preview package.
>This is completely unacceptable in my book.
>Overall, Publisher seems targetted to people who know TeX.  Why do you
>want to hang on to old technology when all this wonderful new stuff is
>coming out?  Do you really care what the internal representation of your

I am intrigued by Mr. Musciano's implication that TeX is old technology.
Is `all this wonderful new stuff' a reference to his earlier mention of
WYSIWYG systems? There is certainly no consensus on whether WYSIWYG
authoring systems best solve all text production needs. Likely there would
be unanimity for the case that WYSIWYG interfaces are wonderful for many,
but not all, applications.

As for Publisher being targetted to people who know TeX... One of the
reasons I like Publisher is because it offers me an interactive,
TeX-independent presentation interface, while retaining the benefits
derived from using TeX--such as availability on a large number of systems
and printing devices, use of a de facto standard allowing portability
between authors, quality of output, and markup language capabilities. Of
course there are import/export facilities for those who use TeX, LaTeX, or
SGML directly, but it does not diminish the capabilities of the software
as a stand-alone text production tool if they are not used.

>I found Publisher to be a backwards step from Frame.  First, it failed
>Musciano's Law of New Software: I sat down without the manual and tried to
>do something productive.  I got nowhere.  I couldn't figure out how to
>create a simple document.  With Frame, I did all sorts of things,
>multi-column documents, line art, different text flows, and never picked
>up the manual.  Strike One against Publisher.

Another of the philosophical differences that people have is how averse
they are to reading documentation. I do not particularly enjoy reading
instruction manuals, but do not begrudge having to read a certain amount
of it--if only to acquire a `feel' for how the product works. If the
software is well designed, only a moderate amount of documentation need be
read at first: the rest should follow intuitively, and the documentation
used primarly as a reference tool. Both points are important: it should
not be necessary to look up a manual for every little thing, but some
formal basis in the operation of a product (if only to be able to use the
product fully and effectively) is critical.

>The user interface is poor.  Commands which do one thing in the compose
>window do another in the preview window.  ...
>I don't want to learn two tools in one!
>The drawing programs are separate tools.  Again, I don't want to learn N
>tools, I want to learn one.  Frame is fully integrated, except for table
>of contents and index generation (which bothers me, but is outweighed by
>other features).  Strike Four.

I do not argue about the merits of having a uniform user interface;
patently, it is a desirable goal. However, I think it is too much to
expect a single tool to do everything. Publisher's approach using separate
graphics, table, and equation editors is perhaps imperfect in
implementation, but not in intent. I would rather have ArborText spend the
time expanding their integration capabilities with other packages--so
that, for example, I can use my favourite graphics package to generate my
pictures, as opposed to being limited to using what is provided--instead
of trying to retrofit more and more capabilities onto a single piece of
software. Would it not be wonderful if there was seamless integration
between packages like Mathematica, Leonardo, and Publisher, and--dare I
say it--all on a NeXT machine? Just _think_ of the possibilities! But one
could not even begin to consider the thought without a basis rooted in

>Frame is, I believe, $995/station at educational rates.  With the floating
>license server, you can actually get away with much less.  For example,
>suppose, you have 15 stations, but actual use of Maker is about four
>simultaneous users.  Just buy four licenses, and share them among the 15
>Suns.  The license server idea is one which needs to be picked up by other

There is no reason to believe that the floating licence server concept is
implemented only by Frame Technologies. The copy of Publisher I use
resides on our server, but is usable from any of the Sun workstations that
are connected to our network.

>Finally, why don't you just check it out for yourself?

I could not agree more! We all know computer products tend to evolve
stressfully apace, particularly new products (one need only look at the
quantum leap between what I call Publisher's `concept prototype', version
1.0 from only a year ago, and their latest, version 2.1). Mr. Musciano's
suggestion about evaluating such competing software is really the only
rational strategy: analyse what is required (and what is desired), see
what is out there, and try them out!

I will give into the temptation to include a (very abbreviated) Publisher
features list: based on standards (TeX, SGML, and PostScript); great table
and equation editors; TeX-quality output (`for the creation of beautiful
documents'); multilevel `undo' facility; import/export of TeX, LaTeX, and
SGML documents; tons of fonts (including complete math fonts);
bibliography support; graphics editors, screen capture and scanner
support, import facilities for Sun bitmaps, PostScript graphics, MacPaint,
MacDraw and Excel graphics; and ASCII terminal support.


>After all my postings about Frame, I should make clear that I don't work
>for Frame, but I do like their product.

I suppose I should mention that I do not work for ArborText. I do like
Publisher an awful lot, but not exclusively! I would be glad to continue
this discussion, but perhaps elsewhere? Maybe the desktop-publishing list?

kent_wada@mtsg.ubc.ca (Internet) |Computing Centre/The University of
USERWADA@UBCMTSG (BITNET)        |British Columbia/6356 Agricultural
Telephone: (604) 228-6496        |Road/Vancouver, British Columbia/
Facsimile: (604) 228-5116        |Canada  V6T 1W5

chuck@trantor.harris-atd.com (Chuck Musciano) (12/15/88)

I received some attention from ArborText regarding my recent postings
about the relative merit of Publisher vs Frame Maker.  I was able to spend
some time with Melanie Kessler of ArborText at the SUG, and looked at
version 2.0 of Publisher.  Tony Camozzi of Arbor Text had chastised me for
basing my comments on version 1.0.  So in the interest of fairness, here
is an updated look at Publisher, based upon my original four complaints:

     1) I couldn't do anything without reading the manual first.

	I didn't directly use Publisher, so I can't comment.  The
	interface is fundamentally the same, although more aestecthically
	pleasing, with more use of dialog boxes rather than pull-right
	menus.  A personal opinion: the appearance of these dialog boxes
	is rather unattractive, and makes finding important elements in
	the dialog box difficult.  A review by a talented graphics artist
	would do wonders for the interface.

     2) It isn't WYSIWYG.

	This is still true.  The edit-print-examine cycle is not tolerable
	for me.  I want to see what I do, as I do it.  Another interesting
	thing: table of contents generation is a two pass operation, and
	Publisher does the first pass, and then reminds you to do the
	second.  That could be better automated.

     3)	The preview/edit interfaces are different.

	This is still true, although you can rebind the keys to make them
	match.  For novice users, who don't know how to bind keys, this is
	still unacceptable.

     4) The drawing tools are separate tools.

	Still true.  Although these tools are quite powerful, and do nice
	things, they are not integrated into your document, and you have
	to learn multiple tools to use Publisher effectively.

Publisher does an excellent job with equations, and has an acceptable
table editor.  Version 2.0 is an improvement over 1.0, but I still find
fault with basic design decisions within Publisher.  Edit/preview is just
not state of the art in my book.  It seems that ArborText is targetting
scientific publishing, and feels that Frame cannot penetrate this niche
right now.  I wonder how ArborText will feel when Maker 2.0 with equations
comes out.

Publisher does not allow free form documents, like newsletters.  It can
handle up to four columns of text per page (why such an arbitrary
restriction?) and cannot handle mutiple text flows in a single document.
I really believe that Frame, while not up to Publisher in equation
handling, is by far the more versatile and powerful tool.  I also find it
much easier to use.

Again, I want to emphasize that these are my !opinions!.  I think there is
a tremendous interest in doc-gen right now, and that lots of people are
puzzling over which tool to purchase.  I would love to compare and
contrast issues with users who have tried both tools and like Publisher

Chuck Musciano
Advanced Technology Department
Harris Corporation
(407) 727-6131
ARPA: chuck@trantor.harris-atd.com

ho@tis-w.arpa (Hilarie K. Orman) (12/22/88)

The discussion about these excellent products for Sun workstations has
brought out some good points.  I tried both of them last year, liked them
both, and chose Publisher.  One of the reasons is that it is NOT purely

I have often found WYSIWYG distressing because it obscures the semantics
of the document structure.  It is sometimes the case that what you see on
the screen looks OK, but it is wrong at printer resolutions, or it is
wrong when modified slightly.  This can result from having text in the
wrong environment (paragraph instead of list, indented paragraph instead
of block paragraph, etc.).  With the Publisher, I can see the structure
with explicit names and markers on one side of the screen, and I can
preview it WYSIWYG on the other side.  This saves me "debugging" time.

Another benefit of this is that I can edit the document in a larger point
size than will be actually used on the printed page.  B&W screen
resolution is still not good enough to make 10 point type easily readable,
and this indicates to me that literal WYSIWYG is impossible today.

As far as I know, the Publisher is the only system with good (any?)
bibliography support, and this is precisely because it uses TeX's very
well developed cabilities for accessing bibliographic databases.

Last year ArborText was the only company I knew of with "floating"
licenses.  Frame has shown good sense in picking up that idea.

One thing we found in the time we spent evaluating various WYSIWYG
products was that they do put strain on 3/50's.  Initially we blamed the
vendors for "flakey" software, but later we found that we were running out
of swap space, process slots, and text entries.  Beefing up the
configurations removed most of the problems, except for the generic one of
things being a little bit slower than one would like.

There are lots of grounds for comparing these products, but some things
that are clear are that tastes vary a lot, no one likes learning to use
something new, and no one likes spending money on software.

Hilarie Orman
Trusted Information Systems, Inc.
Los Angeles CA
(ho@la.tis.com, ...!trwrb!aero!trusted!ho)

carter@uunet.uu.net (Mike Carter - iccad) (12/23/88)

bernhold@orange.qtp.ufl.edu (David E. Bernholdt) writes:
>I do not know what the Publisher costs, but we have it licensed for half
>of our 60 workstations - we tend to have a lot of people writing papers.
>This sounds pretty much like Frame's license server to me.

I couldn't let this one go by!  There is a profound difference between
buying many copies of a software package, and having floating (network)
licensing.  When you have floating licenses, users in the ENTIRE network
can share access to useful software, instead of just a privileged few.
With floating licenses, it doesn't matter WHICH nodes in the network use
the software, so long as no more than the licensed NUMBER of nodes use the
software at any one time.  A "license server" handles the software
check-in and check-out process which monitors the number of currently
active users. 

Companies like Frame (for documentation software), Cadence (for IC design
tools), and an ever-increasing number of other software vendors, deserve a
lot of credit for their support of floating licenses (also called network
licensing, or software brokering).  For software purchasers like Mitel,
network licensing is the only approach we're willing to consider; there
simply isn't any other approach which is practical when you have a large
number of workstations.

Mike Carter
Mitel Semiconductor
uucp:  uunet!mitel!carter
Phone:  (613) 592-2122 x3326
FAX:  (613) 592-4784

dela@ee.rochester.edu (Del Armstrong) (12/25/88)

chuck@trantor.harris-atd.com (Chuck Musciano) writes:

[[ I have removed most of the included text.  Anyone wanting to read it
can go back and look at v7n54 again.  --wnl ]]

>I would love to compare and contrast issues with users who have tried
>both tools and like Publisher better.

I'm one! I did the initial evaluation of document processing systems for
our department back in the spring of '87. After looking at a production
version of Frame and Interleaf and a pre-Beta version of The Publisher, we
selected The Publisher.

Some of the reasons for our decision (and current observations):

	- We ruled out Interleaf due to it's interface. Interleaf takes over
	your entire screen, prohibiting the use of SunTool based applications
	while running Interleaf. 

	- Frame Maker was ok, but the things we really want to do it was
	weak in, or didn't support at all. (Notice the use of the past
	tense, it has been a while since I looked at Frame Maker ...
	Caveat Reader!)

	- The Publisher was (still is) the only one based on TeX. For us
	this turns out to have been one of the deciding factors. TeX is
	probably the most developed document formatting system available,
	simply because so many people use it. I believe that this gives
	ArborText a real advantage over other developers. Also by writting
	TeX macros, we can add local hacks to The Publisher in a way that
	we couldn't to other systems.

	- Many of our faculty and students have already been using TeX for
	years, and have numerous documents in TeX. With The Publisher they
	can continue to use those documents, and their collaborations
	don't have to go through the "suddenly we're using incompatible
	software" crisis.  Note: we also had some old troff hackers, for
	them TeX compatibilty didn't help much. This turns out to have
	been more important then I expected, many of the new faculty I've
	dealt with had previously written TeX files they wanted to use. If
	we had gone with Frame Maker, I'd be supporting troff, TeX (no
	easy task!), as well as Frame Maker.

	- For similar reasons, being able to "write" TeX files is very

	- Since we wanted to do scientific papers, equations and being
	able to access a references database were crucial to us. At the
	time Frame Maker failed miserably in these respects. Chuck says
	that equations will be available in version 2.0. If it's a
	structured equation editor, if it knows about equation numbers,
	and how to do inline equations, then it might be worthwhile to
	compare with The Publisher's equation editor.  Keep in mind
	though, ArborText has been working on their's for a long time, it
	really is pretty good. As an academic department, we must have the
	bibliography (references) database ability. The Publisher gives us
	this with built in support for BibTeX. With The Publisher, we can
	access all the BibTeX databases people have, and the BibTeX tools
	people use.

	- I just didn't (don't) buy the "but it's not WYSIWYG" argument.
	The editor window in The Publisher is certainly close enough for
	me to know what the document will look like. Big fonts are big,
	bold fonts are bold, equations and pictures appear in the
	document. Granted, I can't tweak how thing line up along pixel
	boundries until I preview. But when I'm composing prose I find
	that I don't care about those things, spelling and "prettying up"
	the document always require another pass anyway (for me at least).
	This is true even on "real" WYSIWYG editors, such at those I use
	on the Mac.  [[ It's not clear that you should care about things
	like pixel boundary tweaking.  Ask Leslie Lamport about that.
	--wnl ]]

	- Although The Publisher is a large complicated program, I don't
	belive that it's user interface is too complicated. Most of my
	users are using it without benefit of the manual (they're students
	working in public labs). Certainly if you want to use the more
	advanced facilities, you'll want the manual, but that's true with
	any powerful utility. On the other hand I do agree, it'd be nice
	if somehow the different aspects of The Publisher all had exactly
	the same look and feel. Frankly though, I can't get myself to lose
	much sleep over it. My users seem to be able to handle Publisher's
	current interface without much problem.

Finally I really do agree with your comment about ArborText's intended
market. The Publisher is a tool that seems to be nicely crafted for our
specific environment.  It's not suitable for all things, but it's probably
still the best tool around for those with the types of priorities we have.
If you have different priorities, then other features will matter more to
you. That's the way it should be, heaven help us if someone ever writes
the PL/1 of document processing systems, one that's all things to all

[[ And I am glad this discussion is continuing, because it should help
people decide what their priorities and requirements are and what will be
best suited to their needs.  --wnl ]]

	Del Armstrong

	Internet    : dela@ee.rochester.edu
	UUCP        :     ...allegra!rochester!ur-valhalla!dela
	Twisted pair: (716) 275-5342
	Last resort : Hopeman 407
		      Electrical Engineering
		      University of Rochester
		      Rochester, N.Y.  14627

bwhittak@libra.uucp (Brian Whittaker) (01/14/89)

dela@ee.rochester.edu (Del Armstrong) writes:
>	- We ruled out Interleaf due to it's interface. Interleaf takes over
>	your entire screen, prohibiting the use of SunTool based applications
>	while running Interleaf. 

Just to set the record straight (or up to date) - we have Interleaf 3.0
and it does run quite happily *under* SunView allowing full access to
SunTool based applications while running Interleaf.  I'm not sure of the
details, but I think it requires SunOs 3.2 or later (don't know about
4.0).  I'm also told they recommend at least 24M of swap space, but we've
been using it happily with only 12M.

Brian Whittaker, Prime Computervision, Amersham, HP7 0PX, UK
bwhittak@uk.co.cv.edg                  +44 494 714771 x 304

rodgers@maxwell.mmwb.ucsf.edu (01/14/89)

In v7 issue 70, Hilarie Orman (ho@la.tis.com, ...!trwrb!aero!trusted!ho)

>  The discussion about these excellent products for Sun workstations has
>  brought out some good points.  I tried both of them last year, liked them
>  both, and chose Publisher.  One of the reasons is that it is NOT purely
>  ...[many interesting remarks]
>  There are lots of grounds for comparing these products, but some things
>  that are clear are that tastes vary a lot, no one likes learning to use
>  something new, and no one likes spending money on software.

I find Hilarie's remarks the best thus far posted on this topic.  I would
add a few remarks ca. WYSIWYG vs. batch-mode processors like troff and

  1) As Hilary points out, nothing short of specialized publishing hardware
     is TRULY "WYSIWYG," and this still involves considerable expense.

  2) Although the psychological appeal of seeing a representation of the
     final document are undeniable, there are costs associated with this:
     for example, many WYSIWIG systems expose the user to delays while
     reformatting on the fly.  In a batch-mode environment, the user goes off
     and does better things with his time while the actual formatting takes

  3) Many users (myself among them) find the act of using WYSIWYG procesors
     a distraction from the writing process.  Leslie lamport (author of LaTeX)
     has made a similar point in one of his essays.  I actually PREFER to
     sharply separate the editing of a file containing my thoughts from the
     act of formatting them.  When I am engaged in the former activity, I
     am concentrating on what I am saying and how I am saying it, on the
     intellectual organization of the presentation and grammer.  This must
     all be in good order before I start worrying about where page breaks
     occur, etc.

Hilarie's flexible attitude is important.  I work alongside people who produce
our monthly departmental newsletter, and it is clear that for that activity,
the Mac-based WYSIWYG system they are using is well suited.  It is equally
clear to us that for the grant proposals, technical manuals, and manuscripts
we produce, our present troff- and TeX-based tools are better suited than
any of the WYSIWYG systems we have used, which include both The Publisher and
FrameMaker.  Troff and TeX are also very portable and incredibly cheap.

R. P. C. Rodgers, M.D.                  Telephone:
Statistical Mechanics of Biomolecules   (415)476-8910 (work)
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry  (415)664-0560 (home)
University of California, Box 1204      E-mail:
Laurel Heights Campus, Room 102         ARPA:   rodgers@cca.ucsf.edu
3333 California St.                             rodgers@maxwell.mmwb.ucsf.edu
San Francisco CA 94118                  BITNET: rodgers@ucsfcca
USA                                     UUCP: