[comp.sys.sun] connecting PS/2 to Sun ethernet

gfr@cobra.mitre.org (Glenn Roberts) (01/14/89)

< "...has anyone some suggestions on putting <a> PS/2 on <ethernet>?
> What I want to be able to do is to move files between my Model 80
> and my 3/160.  I have already a 3Com EtherLink/MC board installed
> and tested in my PS/2."

You don't say, but I presume you're running DOS on the Model 80, if so you
should seriously consider getting Sun's PC-NFS software.  This will let
you share the disks and printers on any Sun on the network (e.g. LPT2: on
your PS/2 could be the Sun's laser printer and drive G: on the PS/2 could
be your home directory on the Sun, etc.) You'll also get standard
necessities like telnet and ftp.  You need at least version 3.0 to support
the EtherLink/MC card. Price of PC-NFS is about $300.

- Glenn Roberts, The MITRE Corp., McLean VA (703) 883-6820

aad@stpstn.uucp (Anthony A. Datri) (01/19/89)

gfr@cobra.mitre.org (Glenn Roberts) writes:
>You don't say, but I presume you're running DOS on the Model 80, if so you
>should seriously consider getting Sun's PC-NFS software....You'll also get
>standard necessities like telnet and ftp.

The only good thing I can say about pcnfs is that it comes with an ftp
program, not a tftp program.  If you want to use it to look at normal
files on the Suns, get used to limiting all your filenames to the 8.3
convention, since it has trouble with longer filenames.  Mixed case is
probably also a problem.

ado@fcs280s.ncifcrf.gov (Arthur David Olson) (01/26/89)

> > "...has anyone some suggestions on putting <a> PS/2 on <ethernet>?
> You don't say, but I presume you're running DOS on the Model 80, if so you
> should seriously consider getting Sun's PC-NFS software.

As noted in Sun-Spots Volume 6 Number 197 and Sun-Spots Volume 6 Number
212, Sun's PC-NFS (at least version 3.0) is a buggy botch.  We've had bad
experience of the sort outlined in those articles; I personally strongly
recommend against getting it.

Arthur David Olson    ado@ncifcrf.gov    ADO is a trademark of Ampex.