[comp.sys.sun] Programming environments for Sun 4?

andie%eusip.edinburgh.ac.uk@nss.cs.ucl.ac.uk (Andie Ness) (02/01/89)

We are currently looking for development environments for C, Prolog and
Lisp for Sun 4s.  Has anyone used/heard about the following ones ?

	Common Lisp	( ~L3000 !!!)
	SPE 		(Symbolic Programming Environment)
	NSE 		(Network Software Environment)
	PHIGS 		(Programmers hierarchical interactive graphics system)
	GKS		(Graphics Kernel system)

Does anyone know of any other environments for these languages ?

Please reply by e-mail and I'll summarize if anyone else is interested.



Andie Ness                   ARPA: andie%ed.eusip@nss.cs.ucl.ac.uk
Speech Input Project,        UUCP: ...!uunet!mcvax!ukc!eusip!andie
University of Edinburgh,     JANET: andie@uk.ac.ed.eusip
80, South Bridge,           
Edinburgh EH1,              
(Phone: +31 225 8883 x265.)