[comp.sys.sun] problems with fig

peirce@gumby.cc.wmich.edu (Leonard J. Peirce) (01/12/89)

I retrieved a copy of the fig program from the sun archive and built it.
(3/60 running 4.0).  Fig works great.  However, the f2ps program core
dumps whenever I try to use it.  Does anyone out there have a working
copy?  Or doesn't it work under 4.0?

I retrieved the patch for fig and applied it but it didn't help.  The
patch file also tried to patch a file called fig2tex.c.  If anyone has a
copy of this, I'd be REAL interested in getting a copy...

Leonard J. Peirce               Internet:  peirce@gumby.cc.wmich.edu
Western Michigan University                peirce@gw.wmich.edu
Academic Computer Center        Voice:     (616) 387-5469
Kalamazoo, MI  49008

ken@cs.rochester.edu (Ken Yap) (01/18/89)

> I retrieved the patch for fig and applied it but it didn't help.  The
> patch file also tried to patch a file called fig2tex.c.  If anyone has a
> copy of this, I'd be REAL interested in getting a copy...

Sorry, have no clues about your bug, but fig2tex is part of the Transfig
package and is in svax.cs.cornell.edu:fig/transfig.tar.Z. Be warned that
it is actually a fig to pictex filter.

will%robots.oxford.ac.uk@nss.cs.ucl.ac.uk (Will Dickson) (02/08/89)

We have also had some trouble with fig, some of which have been fixed in
fig-fs (along with the addition of some new facilities).  The problem
mentioned by peirce@gumby.cc.wmich.edu also stayed hidden until we
upgraded to 4.0: it is a question of initialising all the pointers of the
structure obj in read_objects in read.c (fix below).  This has been fixed
in fig-fs.  Below is a summary of all the mods I applied to fig-fs to make
it work.  The first stops fig from crashing out when points are deleted
from splines; the other prevents infinite looping for zero height


Script started on Fri Jan 13 11:50:46 1989
miranda:1% diff deletept.c deletept.c.OLD
< /* JWD fix 25-10-88 */
< /*            if (n <= 1) {*/
<             if (n <= 2) {
>               if (n <= 1) {
< /* JWD fix 25-10-88 */
< /*        else if (n <= 2) {*/ /* it must be an interpolated spline */
< /*            put_msg("An interpolated spline may have less than 3 points");
< */
<           else if (n <= 3) {
<             put_msg("An interpolated spline cannot have less than 3 points");
<             return;
<           }
>           else if (n <= 2) { /* it must be an interpolated spline */
>               put_msg("An interpolated spline may have less than 3 points");
>               return;
>               }
miranda:2% diff ellipse.c ellipse.c.OLD
< /* JWD mod 25-10-88 */
<       if ((x == fix_x) || (y == fix_y))
<         {
<           put_msg("cannot create flat ellipse !");
<           return;
<         }
< /* end JWD mod */
miranda:3% exit

script done on Fri Jan 13 11:53:05 1989


The fix for read.c (fig only, not fig-fs) is:


Script started on Fri Jan 13 11:56:42 1989
miranda:1% diff read.c read.c.oldOLD
< /* Modification by JWD to initialise pointers... not done otherwise. */
< /* 5-JAN-89 JWD */
<       obj->lines = NULL;
<       obj->ellipses = NULL;
<       obj->splines = NULL;
<       obj->texts = NULL;
<       obj->arcs = NULL;
<       obj->compounds = NULL;
< /* End of JWD mod 5-JAN-89 */
miranda:2% exit

script done on Fri Jan 13 11:57:00 1989


The patch mentioned by peirce@gumby.cc.wmich.edu appears to be intended
for the fig-fs distribution (which includes fig2tex etc...).

There is still another bug somewhere in fig-fs which causes a crash very
occasionally, but only after very prolonged sessions and not in repeatable
circumstances.  If anyone has found anything like this, please let us

Will Dickson,
Robotics Research Group,
19 Parks Road,
Oxford OX1 3PJ,
ENGLAND.			JANET: will@uk.ac.ox.robots