(Christopher G. Chute, M.D.) (02/08/89)
I am the happy owner of a SUN386i, linked to the rest of the world via UUCP. (For those few who might care, I am generally very pleased.) My RS-232 port has a modem hanging off of it, and a getty running on that port. I have several MS/DOS programs which I find more useful if they can address the modem, to dial the phone from my MS/DOS rolodex program for example. This application is in MS/DOS, not Sunview, so that my secretary can maintain it on her PS/2 (also integrates with WordPerfect more nicely for my secretary). The problem is that I seem to have lost access to my MS/DOS RS-232 port when I brought UUCP up on my machine. I guess the device cannot be shared. How then do I let my poor MS/DOS applications get at the modem which is typically available for UUCP. I would prefer not to have to buy another RS-232 card and modem, just to dial the phone from my rolodex. It seems to me that one modem should be enough for this humble resource sharing. Below is the line from my setup.pc file about the com port: COM1 /etc/dos/defaults/com1 which is a symbolic link to /dev/ttya. This port is active as evidenced by: 20147 ? I 0:00 - D2400 ttya (getty). While I am cluttering the Usenet bandwidth, how can I force sendmail to simulate my return path via Internet (where I am properly aliased) rather than via UUCP (where I have no site declaration). The reality is that I originate and receive a short UUCP loop to our network based machine, which handle things from there, but return paths are almost always chute@medinf.uucp which does not exist. Yours in relative computer illiteracy, Chris Chute, MD Mayo Clinic Section of Medical Information Resources (507)284-5506 Rochester, MN 55905