[net.unix-wizards] Unix CPU Scheduling

stewartd (03/24/83)

I am terribly sorry this didn't come out 4 monthes ago, but my
system has locked me out of news.

I'd like to belatedly thank all those who responded
to my query on how Unix does CPU scheduling.  The 
following are a few of the sources I used in my quest:

The new operating systems text by H. Deitel is perhaps the best
overview of CPU scheduling from the tutorial perspective.  The
reference is:

H.M. Deitel, "An Introduction to Operating Systems", Addison-Wesley, 1983.

The next level of detail was found in every Unix hackers library:

Thomson, K., "Unix Implementation", Unix Programmer's Manual, vol. 2,
7th ed., Bell Telephone Laboratories, 1979.

The other references give greater detail and were also useful:

Lions, D., "A Commentary on the Unix Operating System", University of
New South Wales, 1977.

look in the UNIX files:
	slp.c	(/usr/sys/sys/slp.c)
	clock.c	(..../clock.c)

also, for introductory, see the Bell System Technical Journal
Vol 57, #6, part #2, July-Aug 1978 for several papers on Unix.

Also, many thanks to Bob Beck at Intel in Hillsboro, OR in
the OEM Systems Operation (hplabs!intelqa!omsvax!rb) for all
of the help he gave me.

Thanks again for everyone's help.  

Merry Christmas ...

Dave Stewart
Colorado State University - CompSci
Ft. Collins, Co  80523